FNC’s Tucker Carlson recently sounded off on Dr. Anthony Fauci for his interest in bringing China-style lockdowns to the United States and jealousy, in the early days of Covid, that China had lockdowns and we didn’t.
Speaking on that, Tucker set up the scene by explaining how Fauci first heard about the lockdowns and how China was responding, saying: “Here’s something we didn’t know but now do. In the winter of 2020, Tony Fauci wanted to know how the Chinese communist party was responding. He sent one of those his deputies, Clifford Lane, to China to find out.”
And what Lane found looked straight out of a horror movie, as Tucker went on to expose, saying: “Lane seemed stunned by what he saw there. Entire Chinese cities had been quarantined. The whole city. Huge numbers of people were forcibly locked inside their own homes, in some cases to starve to death. Secret police cruised the streets, forcing pedestrians into windowless vans for the crime of being outside. Household pets, dogs and cats, were declared unclean, and beaten to death on the sidewalk. It was a hellish, dystopian scene.”
But what happened next was even worse. Far from being repulsed by that horrific, tyrannical scene, Fauci was apparently interested by it and wanted to bring those quarantines to the US, as Tucker went on to expose, saying:
So Lane returned to the U.S. to tell Tony Fauci what he’d seen, but Tony Fauci was not disgusted, appalled by the human rights abuses that he saw in China. According to a new report, based on depositions that emerged this month, Tony Fauci was envious. They have what we have to do in the U.S., Fauci told Lane. It’s obvious from day one, China was the model that public health officials were hoping to have to respond to Covid here. It’s still the model.
Continuing, Tucker then reminded his audience of the horrible scene still happening in China, where cities remain locked down thanks to the government’s “Zero Covid” policy. Speaking on that, Tucker said:
In fact, lockdowns are still happening in China. They never ended. Our public health officials have never stopped applauding those lockdowns. In April of this year, the Chinese government shut down shanghai, the largest city in China. It’s one of the biggest cities in the world, the population three times the size of New York City. 25 million people. All 25 million are suffering indefinite lockdown. Shanghai is the largest human prison camp in history.
And then Tucker got to his most important points, which is that governments, whether Chinese or American, love lockdowns because they enable the stripping away of rights, saying:
Why is the Chinese government doing this? No honest person believes it has anything to do with public health, because it doesn’t, proveably. As of Sunday, there were no Covid deaths reported in China, a nation of a billion and a and people. Covid is not a threat to the Chinese government. Political unrest is a threat to the Chinese government. Always has been. That’s the point. In China, as in the United States, Covid policy is not a public health matter. Covid policy is a way to strip from the population the most basic civil liberties and remain in charge. That’s very clear. That’s exactly why our leaders support what’s happening in China tonight, because they’d like to see it happen here too. Hundreds of millions of people imprisoned across the country. That according to an epidemiologist is in everyone’s interest. Really?
Watch Tucker here: