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Outrageous! Dems at Indiana Polls Already Up to Dirty Tricks



Shocking news from Indiana! On the heels of the “most secure” election in American history in 2020 (it wasn’t), Dems in Indiana have been caught with their grubby mitts in the cookie jar. After being assured that our elections were fair and secure by Brandon, Karine Diversity-Hire, Nancy Pelosi, and every other Dem that won by shady means in 2020, we have reports out of the Hoosier state of Dems cheating. Shocker!

We have been assured if any cheating was going to take place Republicans would be the ones doing it, however in a shocking (not) twist, a Dem poll worker has been removed and will be likely prosecuted for election interference and electioneering in Carmel, Indiana. Check this out.

An Indiana election office reportedly ejected a Democrat poll worker over allegations that he had pressured poll-goers against voting for certain candidates and even pre-selected Democratic candidates on a voting machine last week, local election officials told Fox News.

The incidents took place at a polling place in Carmel, Indiana, under the Hamilton County Election Office. Hamilton County election administrator Beth Sheller declined to confirm the poll worker’s identity.

Let’s all take a collective minute to get over the shock that a Dem poll worker might be cheating on behalf of their evil agenda. Evil will do anything to stay strong, and people in power will stoop to any means to maintain that power, especially when they see the obvious about to happen. To think this type of malfeasance isn’t happening in more places than tiny Carmel, Indiana is naive and absurd, but heaven help Republicans if they question any election results and threaten “Democracy”. The pearl clutching from the left will be overwhelming.

Apparently, there were two separate incidents of cheating both involving the same crooked poll worker.

free hat

The first incident took place early Thursday evening as a group of education activists stood outside the Carmel polling place and advocated for pro-parent school board candidates. Sheller says the worker spoke with a pair of black voters who entered the polling station and urged them not to vote for the pro-parent candidates, arguing that the activists outside were “racist.” 

That pair of voters then cast their ballots and approached the activists outside, informing them of what the poll worker had told them. The activists, which included a campaign worker for one of the candidates, then raised the issue with the workers inside.

Looks like the naughty poll worker picked the wrong black faces to cry fake racism to, as they immediately dropped a dime on his ass after they cast their votes.

What exactly is racist about advocating for school board candidates that are actually pro-parent? They should ALL be pro-parent. Perhaps the cheating Dem should’ve hatched a better plot than crying racism to black people.

The second offense was even more egregious and alarming, as the worker actually physically interfered with a voting machine.

The inspector then learned of a second incident, this one involving potential election interference. Sheller said the poll worker was assisting a voter with an electronic ballot and pressed the “straight Democrat ticket” option during the explanation. She said the voter was then confused about how to change the selection and raised the issue with another nearby poll worker. That worker resolved the issue, allowing the voter to cast a legitimate ballot, and then informed the polling inspector of what happened, Sheller said. 

How many times has this type of dishonesty taken place? And how many times have people just not bothered to ask anyone how to change it and a straight Dem ticket was pulled? The fact is, our elections are not exactly the most secure and fair in the world, and despite the left’s insistence that the GOP cheats, who was caught with their thumb on the scale? Not us! Kudos to the people that ratted out this cheater, and let’s hope he gets some time in the GrayBar Hotel to think about his actions.