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Rand Paul Dominates Booker, Carries Kentucky



In an extremely early call, Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky has already been called as the winner over challenger Charles Booker. It’s not shocking as Paul was expected to win oce again, but the race being called so early was unexpected.

Republican Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky, a libertarian-leaning conservative and former presidential candidate, won a third term Tuesday by defeating a rival from the other end of the political spectrum, progressive Democrat Charles Booker.

Booker is a far-left leaning candidate that ran on the vague, existential issues of abortion, January 6, and ‘threats to Democracy”, also attempted to portray himself as an everyday guy. his motto was “from the hood to the holler”, but as a Kentuckian, it’s not shocking that his ploy did not exactly resonate in the holler.

Booker was the first Black Kentuckian to run as the state’s Democratic nominee for the Senate, but his trailblazing campaign came up short against Paul. It was Booker’s second bid for the Senate. In 2020, he barely lost the Democratic Senate primary to an establishment-backed rival routed that year by Republican Sen. Mitch McConnell in the general election.

The lack of any tangible platform hurt Booker, as well as running against the heavyweight rand Paul. Paul has been buoyed by his continued correct calls regarding Covid, and his willingness to stand up to the Biden administration.

Paul has gained a national voice in promoting limited government and restraint in U.S. foreign policy. One of the Senate’s most contrarian voices, he also denounced what he views as government overreach in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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After a dozen years as senator, Paul has regularly gone his own way, even putting himself at odds with his own party. The outspoken conservative has railed repeatedly against socialism, foreign aid and what he sees as excessive spending that he blames for driving up the nation’s debt.

Paul’s antics haven’t always played well in the Commonwealth, but as time has passed, Rand has been proven right more often than not and Kentuckians have taken notice.

Conversely, Booker’s radical policies and approach didn’t play well at all.

Booker, a former state lawmaker, promoted such social programs as Medicare for All and a basic universal income. He sought broad voter support with his “hood to the holler” campaign plank, vowing to uplift poor urban neighborhoods and struggling rural communities alike. He also backed criminal justice reforms.

In the end Rand Paul had more of a proven track record and tangible ideas in place to help struggling Kentuckians. Something Charles Booker lacked, despite his ‘hood to holler” campaign.