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Jewish Florida High School Employee Demands Coworker’s Display of Bible Verse be Removed



America used to be a place where you were free to express your personal views and beliefs, however eccentric they might have been.

From the Founding through the Gilded Age and even the Progressive Era, Americans of wildly different beliefs bickered and railed against each other, but generally lived and let others live as they thought right. Sometimes that didn’t work out and the different sides came to blows, but the idea that freedom of speech meant you could say what you want and express yourself was alive in the breast of Americans.

Not now, with small, distinct minorities somehow having the ability to try and strip others of their right to express themselves. You can’t criticize and can’t speak out against some group if it manages to position itself as an aggrieved or oppressed minority, with free speech being under attack across the country as more and more of their groups use the tenderness show them to silence those who would speak freely.

Such is what a story out of Florida shows: there, a high school employee who is Jewish is trying to force the school to cover up or scrape up the Bible verse her coworker has painted on her parking spot.

That employee is Marina Gentilesco, and she’s saying she somehow feels attacked by the display of the Bible verse in the parking lot.

Speaking on that, Gentilesco said, of the Bible verse and her feelings about it:

“I feel like it’s attacking me as a Jew.

free hat

“It brings me to the verge of tears, because it brings me back to the 6 million that perished. Six million perished because of our faith — because we’re Jews.

Nope. The verse Gentilesco is so angry about is just an inspirational one from Phillipians: painted on Gentilesco’s coworker’s parking spot is “I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.

And so Gentilesco is demanding that the bible verse be scraped off the parking spot, sayingYou put it on a state-funded property. I’m not okay with it.”

Fortunately enough for Christians and those who don’t go berserk at the idea that someone has faith in God, the school district isn’t insane and won’t be removing the Bible verse.

Pasco County Schools Public Information Officer Stephen Hegarty spoke on the issue to Fox 59, saying:

“It’s not a violation. This is personal expression.”

“There is no proselytizing going on. It’s not compelling students to do anything one way or the other.”

“It has nothing to do with instruction. It’s just a teacher expressing themselves just like they might wear a crucifix on their shirt.”

“Teachers and students are free to express themselves.

So at least someone is sane and willing to stand up for the Bible as others try to scrape it away and make others stop expressing themselves to protect the feelings, however absurd, of others.

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