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JUST IN: Kari Lake Scores Legal Win After Judge Shuts Down Katie Hobbs’ Motion to Pay Clinton Lawyer



As previously reported, Arizona’s Katie Hobbs and Maricopa County are seeking over $500,000 in legal fees after Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake took them to court over the disastrous 2022 election in Maricopa county.

Hobbs, who failed to debate Lake leading up to the election, sought over $450,000 for Hillary Clinton’s attorney Marc Elias and his law firm, the Elias Law Group.

On Tuesday, Maricopa County Judge Peter Thompson denied Katie Hobbs’ motion for attorney fees and sanctions meaning Lake would not be responsible for paying Hobbs’ attorney fees.

While speaking to the Gateway Pundit, Lake said, “While Katie Hobbs and Marc Elias continue their crusade to destroy free and fair elections in Arizona, my team and I will continue to move forward with our case showing overwhelming evidence of misconduct in the General election.”

Yesterday, Lake’s attorneys submitted a response to Katie Hobbs and Maricopa County’s Motions for Attorney Fees and Sanctions, blasting Maricopa County Election Director Scott Jarrett for statements he made about ballot printer malfunctions.

“Defendants’ motion for sanctions is not supported by case law or the record,” Lake said. “Trust in the election process is not furthered by punishing those who bring legitimate claims as Plaintiff did here.”

Read the ruling below:

free hat

THE COURT FINDS that Plaintiff’s claims presented in this litigation were not groundless and brought in bad faith under Arizona Revised Statutes § 12-349(A)(1). Therefore,

IT IS ORDERED denying Defendants’ Motions For Attorney Fees And Sanctions.

Assessment of Taxable Costs

A prevailing party in Superior Court is entitled to an award of taxable costs pursuant to Arizona Revised Statutes § 12-332. Those costs include the fees of witnesses. A.R.S.§ 12-332(A)(1). Defendant, Secretary of State Katie Hobbs, has presented her request for $5,900.00 in expert witness fees for Mr. Ryan Macias who was retained as an expert and testified at the hearing. A separate request for expert witness fees in the amount of $22,451.00 was submitted by Defendant, Katie Hobbs sued in capacity as Governor-Elect. Defendants have not submitted any other itemized costs pursuant to A.R.S. § 12-332(A).

THE COURT FINDS the submitted expert witness fees are appropriate under A.R.S. §12-332(A)(1).

Defendant Katie Hobbs sued in her capacity as Governor-Elect has also submitted a signed declaration of attorney Abha Khanna in support of an award in the amount of $4,689.50 for the cost of compensation of Maxwell Schechter, the person designated by them to be present at the inspection of the ballots. Mr. Schechter’s compensation is represented by counsel in his signed pleading as $565.00 per hour for the 8.3 hours involved in the inspection. Although he did not testify at Trial, the choice of Defendants to employ Mr. Schechter was based upon his qualifications and credentials to perform this duty much as Plaintiff’s expert Mr. Clay Parikh served as her chosen representative for inspection of the ballots.

THE COURT FINDS the submitted compensation of Defendants’ designee for inspection of the ballots pursuant to A.R.S. § 16-677(C) is appropriate. Therefore,

IT IS ORDERED awarding Defendant, Secretary of State Katie Hobbs, $5,900.00 as taxable costs pursuant to A.R.S. $ 12-332(A)(1).

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED awarding Defendant, Governor-Elect Katie Hobbs, $22,451.00 as taxable costs pursuant to A.R.S. § 12-332(A)(1).

IT IS ALSO ORDERED awarding Defendant, Governor-Elect State Katie Hobbs, $4,689.50 as compensation of her appointed representative for inspection of ballots pursuant to A.R.S. § 16-677(C).

IT IS ORDERED that the amounts entered with this judgment shall run with an annual interest rate of seven and one half percent (7.5%) per annum until paid in full.

The Court having entered its findings of fact, conclusions of law and orders on December 24, 2022 and all matters concerning this litigation before the Court having been resolved with nothing else pending,

IT IS HEREBY ORDERED confirming the election of Katie Hobbs as Arizona Governor-Elect pursuant to A.R.S. § 16-676(B) and entering final judgment in this matter pursuant to Rule 54(c), Arizona Rules of Civil Procedure.

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