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AZ Congressional Candidate Exposes Yet another Massive Problem for Democrats



Democrats have long crowed that “demographics is destiny” when commenting on reports that America is becoming more “diverse” and is set to become a minority-majority nation in the coming years as immigrants and their children gradually displace the traditional inhabitants of America.

There is some truth to that, as minorities tend to vote more to the left than whites, but a flaw in the “logic” behind it is gradually being exposed, particularly in Arizona and Texas.

There, election battles are gradually showing that Hispanics, frustrated with the Biden regime and the radical stances of Democrats on cultural issues, are ditching the far-left Democrats for Republicans.

That was shown by Maya Flores in Texas and is now what an Arizona congressional hopeful named Tanya Contreras Wheeless is hoping will push her to victory and make her the state’s first Latina congresswoman, telling Fox News:

Things like that also show where the Democrat Party is losing the support of the Latino community because we’re put into this box. And I think this is going to be a huge wakeup call for them in November.

“The values that certainly were in my family growing up – and I think with many Latino families – of faith and family and freedom and entrepreneurship … are in alignment with the Republican Party. We’re going to see a greater number of Latinos coming to the Republican Party.

But, unlike to many Democrats, race isn’t everything to Wheeless. Rather, she’s running to protect the American Dream and the opportunities created by how America works, as she also told Fox News, saying:

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“I got into the race to protect the American dream. I am a product of that.”

Indeed she is. As Fox News reported:

Tanya Contreras Wheeless was born to a teen mom and grew up in a family living pay check-to-pay check.

She took a job at a local bakery when she was 14 to earn spending money, but still managed to earn an academic scholarship for college. But she kept mopping floors and working the register on weekends and over breaks to continue earning extra cash.

Wheeless became the first person in her family to graduate from college and ultimately joined a law firm after becoming an attorney. She went on to become a lobbyist for a banking association and later joined the Phoenix Suns as an executive. She eventually quit to start a consulting firm before staffing for then-Sen. Martha McSally.

And now she’s running for Congress, a massive step for a woman who started with nearly nothing, but afforded the opportunity to excel thanks to the American system (or at least what remnant of it still exists) and her own hard work.

So a young girl born to a teen mom is now running for Congress and has reason to expect that she could win, a powerful story that shows both why America is great when it works and why Democrats could see their “demographics are destiny” plans suffer as they reject the system that let Ms. Wheeless advance and succeed.

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