Julian Ortega, famed for his role on Netflix’s hit series “Elite,” tragically passed away at 41 after collapsing on Zahora Beach in Barbate, Spain. The incident occurred around 5:30 PM on Sunday, where Ortega suffered cardiac arrest. Despite efforts by paramedics who attempted resuscitation for 30 minutes, the beloved actor was pronounced dead at the scene.
The tragic event unfolded in front of spectators at the La Calima beach bar. Initially, reports suggested that Julian had drowned, but lifeguard services clarified that he suffered a cardiac arrest on the shore according to The Sun. Despite efforts by paramedics to resuscitate him for 30 minutes, the 41-year-old was declared dead at the scene.
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Spain’s national union of actors and actresses confirmed Julian’s death in a statement. The Union de Actores y Actrices in Spain announced the passing of Ortega on Monday through an obituary as well. “We send our most sincere condolences to the actor’s family and friends,” the statement read.
Ortega was known for portraying the manager of “La Cabana” restaurant in the Spanish drama series “Elite.” He appeared in multiple episodes of the show’s inaugural season. “Elite” enjoyed a successful run of eight seasons from 2018 to 2024, concluding with its final episode on July 26. The show’s first season quickly captivated audiences, amassing over 20 million streams on Netflix in just the first month.
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Ortega’s prompted an outpouring of heartfelt tributes from his colleagues and fans. “I am broken with pain, dear colleague … what a great actor and what a beautiful person you are, Julian Ortega … fly high, hugs to your father and mother,” Spanish actor Fernando Tejero expressed in his tribute.
“A tremendous actor and a colleague of integrity, honesty and as good a person as his parents Gloria Muñoz and Jose Antonio Ortega,” said actor Silvia Marso. “I can’t even imagine how these parents, colleagues, so beloved in the profession, are. How horrible … I can’t take it in. Absolute sadness.”
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The increase in heart attacks among young, healthy individuals has been a concerning trend that has garnered attention from health professionals worldwide. Typically seen as a condition affecting older adults, the shift toward younger populations indicates a range of underlying factors in recent years.
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