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Biden Shrugs Off Possibility of GOP Investigating His Family; Here’s What He Said



When a journalist asked President Joe Biden Wednesday about the possibility of a Republican controlled House of Representatives investigating his family and their connections to shady foreign business dealings, with a specific focus on Hunter, Biden shrugged it off replying that doing so would be “almost comedy.”

“Republicans have made it clear that if they do take control of the House, that they want to launch a raft of investigations on day one into your handling of Afghanistan, the border. They want to look into some of your Cabinet officials,” the reporter stated. “They want to investigate you. They may even want to investigate your son. What’s your message to Republicans who are considering investigating your family and, particularly, your son Hunter’s business dealings?”

“‘Lots of luck in your senior year,’ as my coach used to say,” Biden went on to say derisively, before adding, “I mean, I think the — I think the American people will look at all of that for what it is. It’s just almost comedy.”

According to the Daily Wire, the remarks from Biden might be a bit on the premature side. Writer Luke Rosiak, a member of the news outlet’s staff, put out a report back in October that said, “A year-long exploration of Hunter Biden’s laptop has yielded a 630-page report that its authors say document 459 violations of state and federal laws and regulations by President Joe Biden’s son and his business partners.”

Marco Polo, a nonprofit formed by a one-time aide to former President Trump to enable a team of cyber gumshoes to take a deep dive into the laptop that the  crack-addled Biden left at a Delaware repair store, claims the report is a road map for local, state, or federal prosecutors to pursue charges. The group also sent its report to each member of Congress,” Rosiak said.

Then, in the later part of October, Elon Musk, the new CEO of social media giant Twitter, fired the company’s top attorney, Vijaya Gadde, who was in charge of legal policy, trust, and safety. According to the Daily Mail, Gadde “played a key role in the contentious decisions to ban Donald Trump and suppress news articles about Hunter Biden’s laptop.”

Toward the end of August, Republican Senators Chuck Grassley of Iowa and Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, wrote up a letter that was then sent out to the Department of Justice, saying, “… apparently as a result of the FBI’s warning, for “5-7 days’”after the reporting relating to Hunter Biden and his laptop, Facebook intentionally decreased the distribution of the reporting and limited the amount of people who could review the reports by a ‘meaningful’ volume, Facebook wasn’t the only social media company that wrongfully suppressed Hunter Biden reporting; Twitter suspended the New York Post’s account because of its Hunter Biden reporting and blocked users from sharing the link to the Post’s articles relating to the laptop.”

free hat

Please provide the following no later than September 12, 2022: All records relating to the Justice Department’s and FBI’s contact with Facebook, Twitter, and other social media companies relating to the Biden family, Senator Grassley’s and Senator Johnson’s Biden investigation, Hunter Biden’s laptop, and Russian disinformation from July 1, 2020, to July 1, 2021,” the letter continued.

Hunter and Joe Biden need to be held accountable for the corruption and abuse of political power they are guilty of participating in because the people of our nation need to be reassured that our justice system is truly fair and that all people are equal under the law. Folks should not be getting out of the consequences of their actions simply because they have a lot of money and solid connections in the political realm.

That’s the exact opposite of fair.