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BOOM: This Senator Is Calling on Whistleblowers to Stop the Deep State from Meddling in the Election



As Biden travels the country ranting and raving like a lunatic about bombing MAGA Republicans with F-15s, GOP Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin is trying to give the GOP a fighting chance to win the election come this November. How so? By striking back against the perfidy that many allege went on during 2020 and calling on whistleblowers within the government to call out those who are attempting to act in less than honorable ways to affect the 2022 midterms.

Specifically, Senator Johnson said during an interview with Just the News that he thinks federal bureaucrats, those Deep State operatives one imagines being as at home in a byzantine court as they are in the FBI/CIA/etc., meddled in the 2016 and 2020 elections and he thinks calling out what they did could help stop them.

Speaking on that point and contrasting their 2016 failure to successfully boost Hillary into the presidency with their 2020 success in crushing the Hunter Biden story and helping Biden make his way into the White House, Senator Johnson said:

“I think that started in 2016 when they tried to meddle in the election, and they did meddle in that election. They tried to get Hillary Clinton elected, and they failed. But in 2020, they succeeded by downplaying the Hunter Biden laptop by censoring, by suppressing that.”

Adding to that and referencing the letter signed by 51 intelligence “professionals” that claimed the Hunter Biden story was Russian disinformation, a claim that later turned out to be false, Sen. Johnson said, That letter itself was an information operation and interfered in our 2020 election to a far greater extent than anything Russia ever could have hoped to accomplish.

And so Sen. Johnson is calling on whistleblowers to step up and call out those who are attempting to interfere in a like manner, again noting that the agencies have tried interfering in past election with some success and that the only way to stop them is to start calling them out and restoring integrity to the agencies, saying:

“We have the whistleblowers coming to our office saying that once they obtained that Hunter Biden laptop, the higher-ups said ‘we will not look at that Hunter Biden laptop, and the FBI will not not change the outcome of the election again’, implying that they thought they changed the outcome in 2016. I would argue they tried but failed.”

woke bishop

We do need people with integrity that want to see the credibility restored to their agencies. And this is not only the FBI and Department of Justice. We’re talking about federal health agencies. You know, it’s getting very difficult to do oversight, because the federal agencies just know that Congress — you almost have to get a court order — does not have that type of authority” to compel disclosures of wrongdoing.”

We’ll see what happens. Perhaps his plea for help will succeed, perhaps not. But anything seems better than letting the bureaucrats run roughshod over American elections again.

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