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BREAKING: Case Against Trump Electors DISMISSED



A Clark County judge has decided to dismiss charges against six Nevada Republicans who were accused of submitting an invalid slate of electoral votes for former President Donald Trump in 2020. The judge determined that Clark County was not the correct jurisdiction for the trial according to The Nevada Independent.

During the hearing at Clark County District Court, Judge Mary Kay Holthus sided with the defense, which argued that the case should be heard either in Carson City, where the signing ceremony took place, or in Douglas County, from where the disputed elector documents were mailed.

The decision was crucial considering that a jury in the more Democratic-leaning Clark County might not have been as sympathetic to the Republican defendants. Judge Holthus explained, “You have literally, in my opinion, a crime that has occurred in another jurisdiction,” saying that the issue belongs “so appropriately up north and so appropriately not here.”

Following the ruling, Nevada Attorney General Aaron Ford said, “The judge got it wrong,” and announced plans to appeal to the state Supreme Court.

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The six Republicans, including Nevada GOP Chairman Michael McDonald, were accused of submitting alternate electoral certificates following the 2020 presidential election, citing jurisdictional discrepancies. The defense strategy focused on the misalignment between the charges and the actions of the accused, painting the prosecution’s efforts as a flawed attempt to “fit a square peg into a round hole.”

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In the 2020 Presidential election, Nevada became a focal point of drama. As the votes were tallied, Nevada’s results were crucial and highly anticipated due to its potential to sway the Electoral College balance. The state’s electorate was scrutinized, and the slow pace of the vote count added to the nationwide suspense.

Trump’s campaign raised concerns about the integrity of the mail-in voting process, which was significantly expanded due to the COVID-19 pandemic. They alleged various irregularities and filed lawsuits in Nevada, as in other battleground states, seeking to stop or challenge the counting of votes. For instance, the Trump campaign claimed that thousands of ballots were cast by non-residents and deceased individuals. On the other side, Biden’s campaign advocated for patience and thoroughness in counting every vote. Ultimately, Biden was declared the winner of Nevada by a relatively narrow margin.

On Friday the judge dismissed the trial, initially slated for January, involving key figures such as Michael McDonald, the state GOP chairman; Jim DeGraffenreid, a national party committee member; Shawn Meehan, who serves on the national and Douglas County committees; and Eileen Rice, a party member from the Lake Tahoe region, according to The Associated Press.

Everyone except Meehan was designated by the state party as Nevada delegates to the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee next month.

The state cannot bring the case forward as the three-year statute of limitations expired last December. Maggie McLetchie, representing one of the defendants, stated, “They’re done.”

Sigal Chattah, who represented Meehan and ran as a Republican candidate for state attorney general in 2022, stated that Meehan “chose not to” pursue the position of delegate.

The calls for resignation were prominently made during a press conference outside the courthouse on Friday by leaders from three different organizations. Nevada was identified as one of seven critical swing states in the 2020 presidential election where groups declared Trump the winner over Biden.

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