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‘CALM DOWN’: Joe Scarborough And Mika Brzezinski Get Into Cat Fight Over The Debate



The wailing and gnashing of teeth by Democrats is reaching a fever pitch less than 24 hours after President Joe Biden’s stumbling first debate performance, turning “Morning Joe” hosts Joe Scarborough And Mika Brzezinski against one another as they blustered about what the president could do to turn his fortunes around.

After a guest had finished making his point about Democrats’ growing calls to replace the president on the ticket, Brzezinski hopped in, urging her colleagues to “calm down” and avoid falling into the trap of bailing on Biden and giving former President Donald Trump a golden opportunity to pull ahead in the race.

(VOTE NOW: Did TRUMP or BIDEN Win The First Debate?)

“Okay, hold on a second. I — I agree with everything you said, except for the last part of it. Everybody calm down, and I’ll tell you why. It’s fine to not spin what happened last night and we’re not going to,” the co-host started. Scarborough butted in to refute the charge. “By the way Mika, everybody’s calm here. You’re the only one raising your voice. Everybody is calm here.”

Continuing on, Brzezinski said the knee-jerk tendency of “let’s just pull this, let’s end this, let’s find someone else” is tantamount to admitting defeat. “That’s not what Mike said,” Scarborough interjected.

“That, uh, attitude toward this is what I am saying slow down on because, again, there’s no spinning it, but let’s be balanced. Let’s for once show some balance in a media world that is so shrill with imbalance that we’ve become inured to these two candidates,” she finished before turning to another panelist.


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“Wait, wait, I just have to stop you,” Scarborough said. “First of all, we always show balance. Second, nobody’s panicking. I said these are questions that Democrats and Joe Biden needed to ask themselves, and Mike said he missed one pitch down the middle after another, wasn’t up to it last night… so I will say it’s not panic. It’s not being panicked to understand what’s at stake and the window is closing very quickly. And if last night did not reveal that to you and other Democrats, then it needs to be revealed pretty soon.”

Weeks before the first debate, Democrats reportedly settled on a desperate last-minute strategy to replace President Biden if his first debate performance went worse than expected, which by all accounts it did. In this scenario, some of the party’s top leaders — including former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, as well as congressional leaders like Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) — would need to form a unified front in proposing to Biden that he step aside for the good of defeating Trump. “It would have to be the four of them collectively,” one source told the Daily Mail.

A wall of negative media coverage overwhelmed post-debate coverage as nearly all opinion columnists at the New York Times, Washington Post, and other staples of mainstream media declared President Biden’s performance an unmitigated disaster. If he remains in the race, the 81-year-old will face off against President Trump one final time on September 10th in a debate that will be televised by ABC.

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