Recently, Canadian TV aired a special program aimed at normalizing drag to children. The program sought to introduce young viewers to the world of drag that involves dressing up in exaggerated, often flamboyant costumes and makeup. Many have viewed the program as controversial, inappropriate, and down-right disgusting.
First, introducing children to such a thing may confuse children about their own identity. Drag performances are also often provocative and sexualized in nature. Furthermore, there are concerns that exposing children to drag is just another way to promote a specific political agenda by the Left.
Canadian state TV just put out a special on normalizing drag to kids
Here is some of it:
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) March 29, 2023
Why do they spend so much time around children? It’s pretty easy to answer
— PSamps (@BigSamps5) March 29, 2023
This is just wrong.
— ❤️Sarah May❤️ (@SarahPr71608039) March 29, 2023
this fascination with bringing drag to kids hit the culture out of nowhere and how and why it became this hill to die on I will never know.
— Alfred Abramson IV (@SirxAlfred) March 29, 2023
So sick to try to normalize this.
— Brandon Jones (@B_Jones2009) March 29, 2023