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DESCRIMINATION: Kirk Cameron Gets Rejected From Reading His Faith-Based Kids Book At “Story Hour”



The hypocrisy of the so-called ‘tolerant left’ is at it again but this time at the stake of America’s children…

Everyone knows that a recent the recent phenomena of ‘Drag Queen Story Hours’ has swept the country and been called into question regarding the ethics of having drag queens read for an hour to children at local libraries.

Well that ethical argument came to a head when Christian director Kirk Cameron was barred from reading his new book “As You Grow” from more than fifty public school libraries in the United States. Many of the libraries either outright denied Cameron or have not responded to the requests he made.

The book itself focuses on biblical wisdom, a well as faith and family values, however the routine story hour program has not been offered to Cameron, most likely due to those very values.

It’s worth noting that many of the fifty libraries that Kirk Cameron applied for and has been refused at continue to offer drag queen story hours for adolescents across the country, Cameron’s publisher told Fox News.

Many of the libraries cited “diverse backgrounds” and “different messaging” that did not align with their messaging as the reason why Cameron was told he could not share his book to young people at the library.

Naturally, this form of hypocrisy enraged many people across the internet who took directly to Twitter to air their grievances about the bias shown towards Cameron.

free hat

Check out some of the comebacks people shared online about the library hypocrisy below:

Do you think Kirk Cameron should be able to speak at public libraries? Would you take your kids there? Let us know in the comment section below…