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Clueless! Joe Biden Hilariously Claims Progress Despite Terrible Inflation Report! Pundits Roast Him Accordingly



The Joe Biden administration continues playing make believe and attempting to convince people the sun is shining, when in fact it is dark and cloudy outside. Time and again disturbing economic information comes out, and time and again old Joe tries to paint a rosy picture. Problem is, the vast majority of American people know how things really are, because they buy their own gas and groceries, and work for their money, as opposed to our old school politicians like Biden living off the public teat.

Again this week the inflation numbers came out, and again it isn’t looking good, but if you ask Joe, everything is peachy cream! Check this out.

Biden appeared in Los Angeles to deliver remarks on the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and its impact on voters. His speech came after a new Consumer Price Index report revealed that inflation rose 8.2% in September compared with the same time last year, higher than initial predictions indicated.

Though Biden was more optimistic about the news, he also took the time to accuse Republicans of intending to make inflation worse should they retake Congress in 2022.

That’s a bold strategy, Cotton, lets see if it pays off for them! Attempting to shift the blame to Republicans with the caveat that it will only get worse if they retake things after the midterms flies directly into the face of common sense. Things weren’t like this UNTIL Joe Biden ruined America. So excuse me if I have a hard time believing things will get worse if we try something else. In fact, the party of fiscal responsibility, otherwise known as the GOP will likely stabilize things and enact policy designed to REDUCE inflation. Pretty radical stuff.

“Today’s reports, though, show some progress. Overall, inflation was 2% over the last three months. That’s down from 11% over the prior three months. That’s progress, but a lot of it has resulted from getting the cost of living at the gas pump down, now even in California, by more than $1 nationally,” Biden said.

woke bishop

This is the equivalent of being hit with a brick for two years, then when you are only getting hit with rocks, being told it’s a lot better cause they don’t hurt as much as bricks.  How does Biden take a victory lap on gas prices when he and his failed policies are the cause of the gas prices to start with? Amazing how “Putin’s price hike” never leaves old Joe’s mouth anymore. Has he forgotten he said it, or just abandoned it because it’s a lie?

He added, “If Republicans win, inflation is going to get worse. It’s that simple.”

How does this clown show justify making a statement like that? Nothing Biden claims is based in any sort of fact or real world information. As expected, social media exploded.

“He has no idea what’s happening with inflation today. They just hand him something to say and he says it,” The Spectator’s contributing editor Stephen Miller tweeted.

“He’s like a cartoon caricature of a laughably corrupt politician,” conservative commentator Chad Felix Greene wrote. 

National Review senior political correspondent Jim Geraghty tweeted, “This is really lousy messaging on a day when inflation came in at 8.2 percent year-over-year.”

“The guy has watched inflation rise nearly every month of his presidency to the worse levels in 40 years – based on party-line policies (that he reminds us every single Republican voted against) and he’s going to come out and say this? Pathetic,” Republican communicator Matt Whitlock wrote.

All valid points, and all made by people smarter than me. If I am able to see the lies and manipulation of the Biden Administration, surely most other Americans can too, whether they want to admit it or not. At this point anyone that still backs this destructive administration is either so rich they don’t care, or stubborn and clueless.

What is the plan for Dems? Rarely do they make a move without having some ulterior motive, so blaming Republicans is surely a setup because they expect to lose the midterm.

“They are laying the groundwork for a 2022 GOP win, knowing this admin has done far too much damage for them to fix in 2 years (especially with Biden still in the White House). It’s built into the 2024 narrative: ‘See? Republicans won in the midterms, and nothing got better.'” predicted Virginia Kruta of The Daily Wire.

That is the plan. Run things into the ground, then when the GOP takes over in 2022 and it inevitably takes some time to turn around, the Dems blame the GOP for the damage they have already done. Very insidious.

It’s going to get worse before it gets better, but if and when the red wave takes back the House and Congress in November, we must all stay patient until this mess can be fixed.