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CNN Anchor Attempts To Give Top Democrat Senate Candidate Multiple Opportunities To Support Limits On Abortion…Here’s What Happened



Democratic Rep. Tim Ryan, who is currently set to face off against J.D. Vance in the race for a Senate seat in the state of Ohio, was given about a thousand and one opportunities to state that he’s a supporter of limits on abortion, but decided to take exactly zero of them.

Of course, I’m exaggerating about the exact number of opportunities Ryan was afforded, but you get the point, right? It was a whole lot of them. Apparently, the guy just did not get the hint.

According to a report from TheBlaze, CNN anchor Dana Bash, host of the “State of the Union” program, pointed out that Ryan is super critical of Vance for not supporting any sort of abortion exceptions. Note, again, the word is “exception,” not “restriction.”

“I want to ask about your position: What restrictions, if any, do you believe there should be on abortion?” Bash went on to ask Ryan during the interview. This question then led to a two-minute-long exchange where Ryan repeatedly stated that the decision for an abortion should be with the mother of the pre-born child and her doctor. There was no point during the interview where Ryan backed abortion restrictions of any kind, even as Bash continued to press him on the topic.

“Ultimately, this needs to be a decision between the woman and her doctor,” Ryan responded. Notice how the one person who needs to have a voice in this decision is not considered at all? By that I am, of course, referring to the child, who gets no choice in the matter, concerning his or her own survival.

“And, of course, we don’t support abortion at the end of term, unless, of course, there is an extraordinary circumstance where, you know, you’re eight months into a pregnancy and something very tragic is happening in that pregnancy, where, you know, you have a room, you have bought toys, you have clothing for the baby, everyone’s excited, you know, and then something tragic happens,” he went on to say. “That needs to be left up to the doctor, not to J.D. Vance or Ted Cruz or anybody else.”

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“But, as a legislator, you have to have some idea of what you want to do when you’re not a doctor. So should there be some restrictions when it comes to the law of the land?” Bash pushed.

“Well, ultimately, I think the decider has to be the woman and her doctor,” Ryan stated once again. “We can’t account for every single scenario.”

Bash then took a moment to point out something that should be glaringly obvious. Ryan tapped dance all around her question concerning his support of placing limits on abortion like Danny Kaye in “White Christmas.” This is how the left usually reacts to a hardball question that forces them to more or less express their actual belief, which, for the most part, is so radical and extreme as to be a turn-off for the vast majority of America who resides in the political middle.

“It sounds like you’re saying no restrictions,” she said during the interview with Ryan. Once again, Ryan refused to say that any legal restrictions should be enacted on abortions, only stating that folks do not support abortion “toward that end.”

“I think they’re — no one’s supporting abortion towards the end, absolutely. No one’s for that. That rarely happens,” Ryan attempted to slyly hedge.

“But what we’re saying is, are we going to preserve the woman’s right to choose at the end to save her own life? I mean, come on,” he went on to say. “Like, should the government really be in there? That sounds very anti-American.”

So, what, exactly, did Vance have to say about this particular subject? Last year he made the argument against abortion exceptions in cases of rape and incest, which make up a very teeny, tiny portion of abortions in the United States.

This would be my position in this particular instance. I do not believe at all in punishing children for the crimes of their fathers. It’s not a fair position. In no other instance would we punish the victim for the crime of the perpetrator.

Vance did go on to admit, after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, that he was supportive of the states choosing to address the issue individually.

“I think it makes sense right now to let the states decide this stuff,” Vance remarked.