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CPAC Australia Event Location Being Kept Under Wraps; Here’s The Reason Why



The folks who are working toward organizing the Conservative Political Action Conference Australia say they are not going to reveal the location of the event scheduled for the fall for now, in order to keep it from being shut down by protesters. That’s where we’re at now, apparently. Cancel culture is a full-blown, out-of-control problem the whole world over.

According to a report from Just the News, “CPAC Australia announced Friday that a venue in Sydney is secured for the Oct. 1-2 conference. However, the organizers said the “left-wing cancel culture crowd” want to stop the event from happening.”

This concern isn’t exactly unfounded either, considering the fact that many politicians in the country have tried to do their best — or maybe it’s actually their worst — to shut down the conference in years past. Clearly, these are progressives who do not want to allow dissenting opinions to be heard by the masses, fearful these messages might shake the people up from their slumber. Wouldn’t want people to start craving legit freedom, would we?

“They will do everything to shut us down including harassing and threatening any venue willing to host us. We therefore will protect the venue from the irrational mob by not releasing the specific location until closer to the date,” conference organizers went on to write concerning the possibility politicians might shut things down. “Rest assured, this is going to be our BIGGEST and BEST CPAC yet.”

The event will include Tony Abbott, who formerly served as Australian Prime Minister, U.K. Brexit leader Nigel Farage, and former acting Trump White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney.

This is precisely why we, as Americans, are fighting so hard to preserve freedom of speech. When the leadership of a government prevents people from hearing dissenting points of view from the one they promote, that likely means they want to have control, total control, over the lives of those they are to govern. Eventually, the population of a nation will fall asleep.

Previous generations who knew what the nation once was like when it was free will pass away and those who never experienced liberty will be left, living their lives in a total stupor, not knowing that the government they trust for their care, has actually enslaved them and stripped them of the God-given right to think for themselves.

woke bishop

The radical left has placed all of their trust in the “elite” in positions of power to take care of them. They believe it is better to surrender freedom, give up individual responsibility, and avoid the risk of failure than it is to think for oneself and work to earn a living independent of governing authorities. In other words, they want the government to do everything for them so there is no risk of going without something they want.

It’s a kind of sickening laziness of the soul. It’s a trading of liberty for a false sense of security. In reality, no government can actually, adequately, provide for your needs. Not without oppressing one group of people and elevating another, which is classist and racist, the very things they believe the government can eradicate.