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Crime Comes Home: NY GOP Governor Candidate Lee Zeldin Responds to Shootings Outside His House



Crime is everywhere in 2022. What was once restricted to the inner-city area of our larger cities is now a crisis that is affecting nearly everyone. Emboldened by soft-on-crime district attorneys and a police force that is understaffed and afraid to fight crime because of possible blowback, criminals are getting more brazen, more violent, and more deadly. Our larger Democrat run cities are feeling the brunt of the surge in violent crime. Portland, Seattle, Los Angeles, Chicago, New Orleans, New York City; just look for Dem leadership and the increased crime will follow.

Recently New York GOP gubernatorial candidate Lee Zeldin had a scary close call with violent crime, right outside his door.

Rep. Lee Zeldin, R-N.Y., spoke out against the growing crime crisis after a shooting took place outside his home in Shirley Sunday night. Zeldin said the problem “hit extremely close to home.” 

The New York Republican gubernatorial candidate told “Fox & Friends” Monday that his two daughters were doing homework in the kitchen when they heard multiple gunshots followed by screams just outside. They locked themselves in an upstairs bathroom and called 911.

As a parent in a Dem run city myself, this is a nightmare scenario. Your family should feel safe on a Sunday afternoon at home in the suburbs. Sadly, crime no longer knows any borders and it is steadily seeping out of the inner cities into the neighborhoods.

Zeldin is the Republican candidate for governor in New York state, and now has a renewed talking point for the stretch run; crime.

woke bishop

“You had two people who got shot who were essentially laying down about ten feet from where they were doing homework,” Zeldin said. “One of the bullets landed about 30 feet from where the girls were doing homework.”

Zeldin instructed his daughters to stay in the locked bathroom until police said the situation was all clear, which he said took some time. 

This is just not acceptable. Not only in the suburbs, but folks living in the inner city should be speaking out as well. Criminal activity shouldn’t be as prevalent as it is, but bad policy in liberal cities has caused a massive spike in violence and robberies.

“When we were getting back to the house, we had to go through crime scene tape. We were getting advised where to walk so that we weren’t stepping on blood,” he said. “This is not something that we were planning to return home to.”

Imagine as a parent regardless of your political affiliation, coming home to a scene like that. Now imagine you have policy makers and elected officials routinely releasing criminals back onto the streets. If that doesn’t make you angry and demand change, what would?

Critics have pointed to liberal soft-on-crime policies for “emboldening” criminals by failing to enforce accountability.

Paul DiGiacomo, a 40-year career veteran of the NYPD, stressed the severity of the crisis in July and said he no longer feels safe walking the streets of New York City.

This is a 40-year NYPD veteran that no longer feels safe on the streets in the city. He knows how to handle himself, imagine how dangerous it is for tourists, mothers, and unsuspecting victims.

Zeldin praised his daughters for their quick and smart response to the shooting, but he noted that it wasn’t the only incident in New York that day. 

“This is day after day after day,” Zeldin said. “And there are a lot of parents, and there are a lot of families dealing with this reality of rising crime in New York.”

Zeldin is right, but sadly it appears that no one on the left is willing to take any measures to address the violence and crime at their doorstep. Change will need to come from the top down starting with the Governor’s office. Hopefully Zeldin can pull off the upset and begin to take New York state in a safer direction.