David Dorn’s Widow Skewers BLM as Trial for His Killer Begins
David Dorn was the former police officer that, during the “Summer of Love” “mostly peaceful protests” instigated by BLM, Antifa, and similar groups, was killed in St. Louis while protecting a friend’s pawnshop from the rampaging horde of pro-Floyd rioters. An African-American and former police captain, he became a rallying point around which many opposed to the riots gathered and an exemplar of the pointless violence instigated by the BLM types.
And now the trial for his killer is beginning, with Stephen Cannon, a 26-year-old man from Missouri being charged with first-degree murder in the killing of Dorn.
During the opening of that trial on Monday, chief trial assistant Marvin Teer told the members of the jury:
“Along with the unrest that came — that civil unrest — came chaos. And St. Louis was touched by it, too. … Our streets were ravaged with looters, with chaos, a pain set ablaze. With that legitimate pain came acts, many of which are unconscionable.“
Among those unconscionable acts was the murder of Dorn, who was 77 when he was murdered, allegedly by Cannon. Speaking about Cannon and what he was up to that night that he allegedly killed Dorn, Fox News reports:
Prosecutors have said Cannon was one of several people looting the store that night. When Dorn arrived, Cannon went to a nearby corner, allegedly with a gun in his hand. Cannon was the only person on the corner when shots were fired and Dorn was hit, prosecutors said.
And as the trial has begun, David Dorn’s widow has spoken out about his killing and about those who she holds responsible for it: BLM and the woke corporations and personalities that funded BLM.
Appearing on Tucker Carlson’s program to discuss that issue and, in the process, breathe new life into the anti-BLM movement, Dorn’s widow said:
“It’s the woke community that is funding them, not only just these corporations, but celebrities and athletes across the country are funding them, just blindly funding this misguided agenda.”
Continuing, she went on to attack BLM by name and call out all it did that led to her late husband’s murder, seemingly putting more blame on the back of BLM than on the killer himself and saying:
“Black Lives Matter called for the death of police and nobody’s done anything about it. Defund, demean, and kill police officers across the country, and we’re the enemy now, when it’s not — when we’re not. It’s — there [are] other factors involved, but we seem — police seem to be the easy target, and nobody’s standing up for their rights.
“And now having to sit through a trial of a man who’s accused of killing my husband when the riot was funded and organized by Black Lives Matter and all these woke corporations.”
Good for her, standing up to the woke mob and speaking the truth about BLM and its predations and misdeeds during the 2020 riots and “protests.”
By: TheAmericanTribune.com, editor of TheAmericanTribune.com. Follow me on Facebook and Subscribe to My Email List