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Dem. Senator posts raunchy public video, gets called a ‘rising star’ for the DNC



A Rhode Island Democrat senator sank to a new low when she posted a repulsive video of herself tweking outside in a scantily clad outfit. Her name is Tiara Mack and she used her ‘mackdistrict6’ account on TikTok to show off her lack of talent when it comes to politics. Her other talents, however, might be useful in a club where gentlemen throw dollar bills at people dressed just like this, although usually dancing much better.

WATCH TUCKER CARLSON rip the twerking ‘rising star’ of the DNC:

NY Post added more info from the video, stating: “That -ss, that -ss, that -ss!” someone can be heard saying admiringly, before Mack — wearing a skimpy yellow bikini — turns to the camera and begs, “Vote Senator Mack!”

The state senator advertised the clip as “a promised senator thirst trap at Block Island.”

It’s very clear that politicians are at an all time low right now. There are men like Democrat Eric Swalwell mocking female Republicans such as Laurent Boebert. Ilhan Omar is getting booed in public. President Joe Biden can barely ride a bike or walk up the steps of Air Force One without falling down. Joe Biden’s wife has a doctorate, but she doesn’t work in a hospital. Men can be women (no they can’t) and people demanding that we be OK with that (we’re not). Kamala Harris was chosen not for her talents or accomplishments, but because of the color of her skin and gender – and we see how that’s panned out.

The Democratic Party still has people like Elizabeth Warren yelling loudly on social media about things, but never getting things done. Joe Biden hinted at forgiving student loans, but it’s now two years into his presidency and people still have school loans – suggesting that Joe Biden might have mentioned that to give people enough hope that they would vote for him, but now he’s just another empty-promise politician like most of them.

Politicians used to be people we respected, sometimes – when they weren’t robbing Americans for taxes. However, things have changed dramatically and politicians are often the first people we make fun of, despise, and wished they would all resign and give America a fresh start.

We’re at the point where Democrats are twerking on camera and it’s one of the most embarrassing things I have ever seen a politician do besides hiring Rachel Levine to be the Secretary of Health.

America’s politicians on the Democratic side have gone full woke, stupid, and so far left that they just need to end the party entirely, right now, and start over.

Ending the Democratic Party for at least one year, giving them time to get back to normal, would be the only solution to any American ever trusting them again.

Someone turned her campaign video into a meme video that included Tiara Mack twerking:

Photo: screencap from Tiara Mack TikTok video

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