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DEMOCRAT PARADISE: $35K Stolen From Apple Store As Employees and Customers Look On in California



With Thanksgiving already over and Black Friday as well, shoppers across the country busted out their debit and credit cards and filled their carts with discounted purchases. Well, except in the liberal hellscape known as California, where crooks left their checkbooks at home and just took what they wanted. At an Apple store in Palo Alto, a group of masked thieves waltzed in and helped themselves to pretty much whatever they wanted, all while security, customers, and employees just watched.

Crime is an increasing problem in most blue areas, but it has gotten to the point in California where the rest of the country sits back and marvels at the brazenness of these criminals. Whatever happened to the cat burglar? Does anyone remember Oceans 11? Even the good old “smash and grab” at least required a getaway car and a distraction to get the loot. Criminals now are just marching in and taking what they want without a care in the world. Check this out.

It’s clear from the video that these thieves had absolutely no apprehension about taking what they wanted. It is also jarring how calm everyone is as if they have all seen this before. While the lack of any good Samaritans isn’t surprising, at least a couple of customers managed to film the incident for authorities, should they decide to even pursue it.

At one point one person says, “Yo, should we stop them?”

The incident happened around 4pm as customers were out shopping for some Black Friday deals. Police say that the eventual charge will be elevated from a burglary to a robbery after one of the alleged perpetrators threatened violence against anyone who tried to stop them. Fortunately, no one was hurt.

The suspects are still on the loose.

woke bishop

It’s hard to blame the employees for not stepping in. Even though the thieves looked like skinny teenage kids that could be easily taken down by a blindside tackle, one trip into an actual Apple store and you can see the employees aren’t exactly the tackling type. It’s not as if this was a Tractor Supply store or a Home Depot. Let a couple of skinny punks try to jack merchandise from places like that and see how quickly an employee or customer puts their face on the ground.

The two mask-wearing thieves appeared to be unarmed as they ransacked the store. Apple employees began ushering customers away while others took cell phone video of the brazen mid-day robbery.

It’s a systemic failure across the board as woke judges, pandering politicians, and bail reform laws continue to plague our cities.

The shocking thing is people continue to vote for the lawmakers and politicians responsible. California didn’t get this way on its own, and criminals haven’t always been this brazen. Democrat policy has made it open season for criminals. There are little to no repercussions as businesses throw their hands up and leave town, especially in already underserved urban areas. None of this will change until the change comes from the top down. For California, it doesn’t look like that will be anytime soon.


Featured Image screengrab from embedded Tweet.