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WATCH: Democratic Congressman’s Defense of Hunter Probe Comes Back To Bite Him



An anchor of ABC News managed to confront a certain Democratic Congressman about the whole Hunter Biden IRS affair and received an interesting reply from the lawmaker as per The Daily Caller. Jon Karl of ABC asked Representative Ro Khanna (D-CA) whether he is “concerned about what’s coming out of this case” involving IRS whistleblowers alleging that their investigation into the president’s son was heavily controlled by persons with political agendas to protect Hunter. In particular, the whistleblowers testified that Biden’s Attorney General, Merrick Garland, lied to Congress by falsely asserting that David Weiss, a US attorney, had complete discretion over the investigation into Hunter Biden and had complete authority whether to press charges.

Mr. Khanna first gave a standard response by a Democrat to the question. He said “Jon, no, let’s just review the facts here. You had President Trump appoint a U.S. attorney in Delaware and President Biden had the ability to fire that U.S. attorney if he wanted — as is customary, that a new president comes in, they remove all the U.S. attorneys. President Biden didn’t fire the U.S. attorney. He had his past opponent’s appointee have total power over making a decision.”

Jon Karl interjected at that point by stating “But sir, what the whistleblower’s saying is that Weiss, who was appointed by Trump, was not the deciding official on this case. If that turns out to be true, doesn’t that directly contradict what the attorney general has said?”

Representative Khanna then gave an interesting reply. He said “But Weiss is not saying that. Isn’t the source Weiss? If Weiss was saying that, I would have a concern. If Weiss was out there saying, ‘I didn’t have total authority, there was interference.’ But Weiss is the key person, and he’s not saying that.” In effect, Khanna pins whether he will be concerns over whether Weiss will admit that his authority was not total.

The interesting thing here is that there is such a letter by Mr. Weiss to Congress where there is an admission that his authority is not total. As pointed out by Tristan Leavitt, president of Empower Oversight, who tweeted that “U.S. Attorney Weiss’s letter confirms exactly what Gary Shapley [one of the whistleblower] told Congress: Weiss did not have “full authority” to bring charges, but had to “partner” with relevant U.S. Attorney. Says he’s “been assured” he could get Special Attorney status in future—but hasn’t had it yet.” Leavitt attached Weiss’s letter to Congress dated June 30, 2023 to his tweet.

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The key phrase in the letter that Leavitt is pointing toward is the admission that “As the U.S. Attorney for the District of Delaware, my charging authority is geographically limited to my home district.” In effect, Weiss admits that he does not have special attorney status which means his authority to charge and the scope of his investigation are limited. Perhaps now Representative Khanna will be concerned.