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Democrats Meddling With Republican Primaries Again, But This Time, Republicans are Well Prepared For Them



Relentless democrats have again started making moves to interfere in republican primaries, this time specifically in the Sante race for New Hampshire. However, they did not anticipate that the Republicans would be prepared for their menace.

Democrats tried to meddle in this primary election to ensure that the candidate they believe will be an easy target in the general election emerged as the winner, the same way they have done several times. However, the story is very different for them this time. A Republican group has spent big on the airwaves to counteract the ridiculous gamble.

Reports have it that a Senate Majority PAC aligned with Senator Schumer has plans to spend about $3.5 million to ensure that Don Bolduc, a republican candidate, bags a primary win. Compared to democrat Senator Maggie Hassan seeking to be reelected to the senate, Bolduc is popularly perceived as the weaker candidate.

To ensure that Bolduc emerges as the Republican candidate who faces Hassan, the democrats have concentrated their efforts on sponsoring him, spending millions of dollars.

However, Republicans who have quickly caught up to their tactics have made plans to offset the democrats’ efforts by putting the same energy into running ads against him. Republicans are spending millions on ads against Bolduc to boost his primary opponent, State Senator Chuck Morse. 

An ad from White Mountain PAC, aligned with Senator McConnell, reads, “Bolduc lost his first race. He accused President Trump’s team of election rigging and said no person of honor could work for Trump.”

The ad adds, “Bolduc endorsed Joe Biden’s disastrous withdraw from Afghanistan and said the U. S. Should team up with the Taliban. Don Bolduc even accused Governor Sununu of being a Chinese communist sympathizer and a supporter of terrorism. Don Bolduc’s crazy ideas won’t help us defeat Maggie Hassan.”

woke bishop

The Democrats fear Morse and agree that Hassan might not be lucky to retain her seat if Morse goes up against her. Steven Law, SLF’s President, also agrees that the democrats know that Hassan would not be able to stand against Morse confidently.

He said, “Maggie Hassan’s weak record of rubber-stamping Joe Biden’s inflationary spending and taxes has hurt Granite Staters, and they know it. This is a top-tier pickup opportunity for us, putting the Senate majority within reach.”

Perhaps this will teach these democrats to only interfere in what they can handle and that their meddling strategy is ridiculous. So far, they have invested tens of millions into the Republican party’s primary election to ensure that their candidates get a shot at also winning general elections. The democrats spent almost a million dollars in ads to boost state Senator Doug Mastriano in the Republican gubernatorial primaries. In July, about 2 million dollars was reportedly spent to boost Dan Cox’s primary elections. At this point, the democrats are only assisting the GOP to secure these seats as most of the candidates they are investing in are Trump-backed candidates.

Though their strategy might be silly, the reason why the democrats feel so threatened by republicans is not that hard to understand considering the type of intellectuals in the GOP, contrasting the old minds in the democratic party.