DeSantis’ Opponent In Midterm Might Have Just Destroyed Any Chance He Had Of Winning
Not long after U.S. Congressman Charlie Crist, a Florida Democrat running for governor against conservative superstar and current governor, Ron DeSantis, won his primary on Tuesday by a rather large margin of 59.7 percent, he might have completely and utterly destroyed what little chance he had of winning.
According to the Western Journal, Crist made a rather stupid and silly mistake. You see, there are many political commentators out and about right now who say the outcome of the election in November is going to come down to voter turnout.
Crist actually told some voters to totally go away. Which voters? Those who support Gov. Ron DeSantis of course.
The congressman, who has served three terms and is a former governor of the state, commissioner of education, and state attorney general, actually said that to voters. Who does that?
Someone who is intellectually impaired. Like Crist.
“Those who support DeSantis should stay with him and vote for him and I don’t want your vote. If you have that hate in your heart, keep it there,” Crist went on to comment.
“I want the vote of the people of Florida who care about our state — good Democrats, good independents, good Republicans,” he continued.
He then added, “Unify with this ticket.”
Crist: “Those who support DeSantis should stay with him and vote for him and I don’t want your vote. If you have that hate in your heart, keep it there.” pic.twitter.com/S0B93bw52i
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) August 24, 2022
Okay, so wait a minute. I’m getting a bit of a mixed message here. First, Crist says that he doesn’t want DeSantis voters. Then he talks about unifying people. Just moments after making a rather huge divisive statement? Am I the only one not understanding what in the world is happening here?
Here’s more from the WJ report:
At least he didn’t use the word “deplorable” — although his comments brought to mind then-Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s remarks in 2016, as the DeSantis War Room account noted on Twitter:
Charlie Crist kicks off his first day as Florida’s Democrat gubernatorial nominee by accusing Floridians of having hate in our hearts.
Where have we heard this before?
— DeSantis War Room (@DeSantisWarRoom) August 24, 2022
Meanwhile, DeSantis’ pitbull rapid response director, Christina Pushaw, made a rapid response to Crist, tweeting, “Your terms are acceptable.”
charlie: your terms are acceptable
— Christina Pushaw
(@ChristinaPushaw) August 24, 2022
Crist’s jettisoning of potential voters is reckless; he needs every one of them. Recent polls show him down by 8 points. That means the congressman — who left the GOP in 2010 and became a Democrat two years later — should be working to peel away every DeSantis supporter that he can, rather than writing them off. Crist is running in a state where Republican voter registration since 2016 has increased by 14 percent to 5.2 million, while Democrats increased by only 3 percent to 5 million.
Crist is about as dumb as a sack full of hog manure.
You see, what Crist didn’t think about is the fact that independent voter registration has gone up by a whopping 13 percent to 3.9 million. That’s a lot of new voters to try and win over.
Check out this series of tweets that followed the statement made by the gubernatorial challenger:
See these are the things that make it clear Charlie Crist is a grifter. If you were actually trying to win in a red-tinted purple state against a popular governor, u wouldn’t say stuff like that. But if you’re just trying to play to the Twitter crowd and raise money, have at it
— Darvio Morrow (@DTheKingpin) August 24, 2022
When has this strategy ever worked?
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) August 24, 2022
Did @CharlieCrist just say that DeSantis voters ‘hearts are filled with hate’?!
That’s a helluva way to speak about well over 3/4’s of Florida voters! #DeSantis2022
— Michael DeStefano (@mtd10mm) August 24, 2022
As it turns out, the radical left is now doing their best in the mainstream media to try and dampen the spirits of conservatives who might be excited about seeing a massive red wave this November, acting as if there’s still a significant chance that Democrats will hold on to both houses of Congress.
Of course, that’s always a possibility, right?
However, much of the polling and the general temperature of the nation toward the Democratic Party seems to be indicating we’re going to see some big changes in a few months, which is a prospect that has the left sweating bullets.