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Did Disney Seriously Just Immortalize Nancy Pelosi In New ‘Star Wars’ Series ‘Andor?’



Over the course of the last few years, Disney has gone from a politically neutral company that focused on creating wholesome family entertainment and magical experiences for children, to fully embracing the insanity of wokeness, and it seems they are not ever going to turn back.

According to a report from Breitbart, Tony Gilroy, the executive producer on the new Disney Star Wars show, Andor, has immortalized leftist House Speaker Nancy Pelosi by molding the “good senator” character after the California Democrat, stating the character is “trying to do good” for the rebels who are fighting against the Empire.

Which is ironic, because in real life, the Democrats are the Empire and conservatives are the Rebellion. After all, you can’t be taking down the Empire if what you are doing is actually serving to build the Empire. And that’s Pelosi’s goal. To help progressives within the Democratic Party establish a totalitarian socialist government, which would be the exact opposite of what the Rebels in Star Wars would want.

Here’s more according to Breitbart:

In episode four, entitled “Aldhani,” we see the heist planned by rebel forces beginning to come into focus, but we also learn that Mon Mothma (Genevieve O’Reilly), a senator from the planet Chandrila, is part of a cabal inside the Empire that is secretly helping to fund the rebel scheme.

The Mothma character debuted in 2005’s Revenge of the Sith before being depicted as a major rebel leader in Star Wars Rebels as well as 2016’s Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.

Now, in a series that will fill in far more of Mothma’s back story, we find that showrunner Gilroy thinks his character who is putting her life at risk by bankrolling rebels is a “Nancy Pelosi character.”

Actress Fiona Shaw previously claimed that Gilroy’s Andor series is meant to portray the evil Empire as a “Trumpian” world where “people’s rights are disappearing.” And now, piling onto that conception, Gilroy claims that his model for the good guys is the Democrat Party, and in particular Democrat Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.

“Anyone who follows the canon — she’s sort of a Nancy Pelosi character, isn’t she?” Gilroy stated during a recent interview, according to the folks at IndieWire. “She’s kind of trying to do good or whatever she’s trying to do, and she’s losing — I mean, I don’t know.”

“She a powerful presence in the Senate but she’s facing defeat after defeat after defeat as the Empire is taking over here. She’s always presented as very proper and sober and perfectly put together all the time in canon and it just seemed like that was such a perfect opportunity to say, ‘Well what’s really going on behind here?’ It was very exciting to take a sort of still portrait of someone and throw it away and build a real life behind it,” Gilroy continued, apparently making the claim that Nancy Pelosi is a “put together” person.

“She has a much, much, much more complicated life [than] anybody was ever aware, and in many ways, of all the people that walk through this show and face all kinds of decisions and problems and pressures and the hiding and chasing and betrayal — she has to stand out almost in the open for the whole show, in a really dangerous position,” Gilroy said, concluding the interview. “In many ways her story is the most tense story in the whole show, because she has to do everything in the open.”

O’Reilly, who plays Mothma, claims that her inspiration for the character came from folks like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Republican traitor Liz Cheney, who just lost her bid for reelection to a candidate supported by former President Donald Trump.

It’s very strange that these Hollywood types are using leftists as the models for characters they claim are fighting for freedom when liberals are attempting to silence free speech, override the law of the land, which is the Constitution, pack the Supreme Court, and essentially prevent anyone from ever challenging their rule and reign from now unto eternity.

Certainly sounds more like Emperor Palpatine and Vader than it does the Rebellion.