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Disabled Son, Along With 5 Other TX Family Members, Learn Their Fate At Sentencing For Attending Jan. 6 Breach



Five members of a family from Texas were sentenced to prison time on Wednesday for allegedly participating in the breach of the Capitol building in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 6, 2021.

While there was no doubt some folks got carried away by their emotions that day, it seems the radical left is trying very hard to target conservatives who were at the rally protesting in order to transform them into domestic terrorists and craft a narrative that makes it seem as if this sort of behavior is normative for conservatives, when the reality is, groups on the left, like Black Lives Matter and Antifa, are regularly responsible for acts of violence and destruction, yet none of these individuals are ever held accountable for what they do.

“Parents, Dawn Marie Munn, 57, and Thomas Vincent Munn, 55, from Borger, Texas, brought four of their children, Kristi Marie Munn, 30, Joshua Munn, 25, Kayli Munn, 20 and another minor with them to the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, court documents show,” The Epoch Times reported.

The report continued, “District of Columbia Chief District Judge Beryl Howell on Wednesday sentenced both of the parents to 14 days of intermittent incarceration, to be served in two seven-day periods, 90 days of home confinement, and 60 hours of community service.”

Three of the adult children who are said to have participated in the event were sentenced to a total of 36 months each of probation and 60 hours of community service. The oldest child, Kristi, was also sentenced to 90 days of home confinement.

Each member of the family must also pay $500 restitution. The minor was not charged in the incident.

According to a report from CNN Joshua Munn was left physically disabled after an unnamed physical ailment as a child that ended up leaving him temporarily paralyzed.

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“Judge Howell during Wednesday’s sentencing said that Thomas Munn ‘should’ve known better before leading his family into a chaotic situation,'” the Epoch Times revealed.

“The Munn family was arrested in July 2021 for allegedly breaching the U.S. Capitol building through a broken window as the joint session of Congress was certifying the 2020 presidential election results,” the report stated.

The family was taken into custody after an FBI tip came in from a relative of Kristi Munn’s fiance, which led to the agency launching an investigation into the situation.

Court documents revealed that the FBI found evidence to suggest that the family was “unlawfully inside the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, based on information received from a tipster” and on “open source and government databases.”

This is what liberals have done to the people of this country. They have managed to divide us so deeply along political lines that folks are willing to turn on their own family members and friends for having different political beliefs. We used to be able to tolerate one another. Unfortunately, this is not the way things are today.

“The investigation revealed multiple videos and social media messages indicating that Kristi, Tom, Dawn, Josh, and Kayli Munn are part of a large nuclear family that traveled from Borger, Texas to Washington, D.C., and entered the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021,” court documents went on to say.

“The court documents also cited social media posts from the family, including one by Kristi Munn which read: ‘Washington D.C. here we come… #StopTheSteal #TrumpIsMyPresident,'” the Epoch Times revealed.

Another post said, “January 6th 2021… God bless the USA.”

The documentation from the court also goes on to cite Tom Munn’s Facebook posts that were published on Jan. 6 which includes one that says, “Made it back to the hotel about an hour ago … Have lots of pics and video to follow … I need to tell you all that the media is LYING TO YOU … the DC police opened up on a small group climbing the scaffolding, with gas grenades … The only damage to the capital building was several windows and sets of doors. Nothing inside the capital was damaged. … I can tell you, patriots NEVER made it to the chamber. There was no violence in the capital [sic] building, the crowd was NOT out of control…they were ANGRY!!! … They are now calling this and [sic] insurrection…?”

Something that is critical to note is that none of the family members committed any sort of acts of violence, damaged any property, or harassed cops during their time spent at the Capitol.

“A footnote in the sentencing memoranda also notes that video footage taken from the day of the incident appears to show the family “helped pick up trash while in the Visitor Center area,'” the Epoch Times reported.

“However, they were subsequently charged with knowingly entering or remaining in a restricted building, disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds, disorderly conduct in the Capitol Building, and parading, demonstrating or picketing in the Capitol,” the report added.

The family pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge earlier this year.

Not long after the sentencing took place on Wednesday, Dawn Munn issued an apology for what happened on Jan. 6 but stated she went there that day to find out answers about the 2020 election.

“I’m sorry for what happened on January 6,” Dawn Munn remarked, according to a report from CBS. “I understand this country has been divided between conservative and non-conservative values. I do not understand why our election is not secure. If we don’t have a secure election, we don’t have a country.”