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Don Lemon Hilariously Forgets Definition of “Liberal”, Claims CNN Was Never Far Left



Don Lemon, the failed CNN host as famous for his race baiting as he is for his journalism skills, recently appeared on another leftist program to talk about CNN and its new boss Chris Licht. It’s been well documented that CNN, otherwise known as “fake news” has been bleeding to death in the ratings as more and more viewers get wise to their shenanigans. Once the gold standard for cable news, CNN is a husk and a caricature of the respected outlet it once was. Licht has been tasked with turning the ship around and lefty Stephen Colbert of the also lowly rated “Daily Show” grilled Lemon on the transition. While everyone and their mother knows CNN is the most lefty of leftist outlets, apparently Lemon forgot who he is. Check this out.

Don Lemon attempted to dispel the notion that CNN was ever “liberal,” as his new boss Chris Licht attempts to rescue the struggling network. 

“Word on the street is that you guys aren’t allowed to be liberal anymore. Is that the case?” Colbert asked. 

What street did Colbert hear that on, Sesame Street? Just because some failing “talent” like Lemon was demoted, and others like Brian Stelter were straight up fired doesn’t mean the network is trying to be a legitimate news outlet. There is way more work that needs to be done to make CNN credible again besides a few personnel shakeups.

Lemon’s response was puzzling and priceless.

“I don’t think we ever were liberal,” Lemon responded.

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“What?” Colbert shockingly reacted. “That’s not me saying that, that’s the people out there saying he’s not letting you be liberal anymore.”

“Well listen, I think what Chris is saying is that he wants Republicans – sensible Republicans, he wants us to hold people to account, but he wants people to come on and feel comfortable with coming on and talking on CNN and appearing on CNN,” Lemon said. “So if you invite someone to your house, you want to make them comfortable but also by the nature of what we do, we have to hold people to account.” 

“And so that doesn’t necessarily mean we’re going liberal or conservative or whatever, it just means that we are doing what we do and that’s good journalism,” Lemon added. 

What CNN does well is race bait, spin false narratives and half-truths, and virtue signal to the left. Sensible Republicans don’t go on CNN because they are sensible. Why go on a network that has lied, trolled, and shouted down Republicans for years? Thanks, but no thanks.

CNN is trying to push the needle back closer to center, but it is buried so far left, nothing short of a complete rebranding will help, and that might not either.

Licht has long been vocal about his efforts to rebrand CNN following years of hyper-partisan and extremely liberal coverage during the Trump era.

Several months into his job, Licht has made some high-profile personnel changes with the exits of Brian Stelter, Jeffrey Toobin and John Harwood. 

Licht also pulled Lemon from primetime and made him the co-host of “CNN This Morning,” a newly-launched program that replaced the low-rated “New Day” only to debut with even a smaller audience. 

The terrible ratings illustrate that the talent, or lack thereof isn’t really the problem so much as the messaging and the reputation that CNN has made for itself after years of lying and race baiting. Shuffling untrustworthy, familiar faces doesn’t change the fact that CNN is fake news, and despite Chris Licht’s best intentions likely will be perceived that way for the foreseeable future.


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