During a recent episode of American Family Radio “Jenna Ellis in the Morning” show, constitutional law attorney and former senior legal advisor to President Donald Trump, Jenna Ellis hosted former president Trump as he ramps up his 2024 election campaign.
At one point during the interview Ellis asked Trump about his Digital Bill of Rights plan to combat Big Tech and their censorship of conservatives.
Trump has long been critical of big tech companies such as Twitter, Facebook, and Google, accusing them of censorship and bias. In 2019, he launched a social media platform, “From the Desk of Donald J. Trump,” to counteract what he saw as a left-leaning bias in traditional media.
Trump has long pushed for a Digital Bill of Rights, which he believes will protect free speech on social media platforms.
The proposed bill aims to prevent censorship and protect online privacy, among other things. Trump argues that big tech companies are colluding with the government to suppress conservative voices, and he sees the Digital Bill of Rights as a way to counteract that trend.
“I want to focus on this interview for your campaign for 2024 and some of the policy initiatives that you are promising us because you have always made promises and you’ve kept your promises,” Ellis began.
“In terms of the Digital Bill of Rights, you foresaw how Big Tech was colluding with the Deep State to censor the American people and one of your best policy initiatives so far that I’m excited about is the Digital Bill of Rights,” she continued. “So what are your thoughts on the Twitter Files and protecting our right to speak freely in the digital public square.”
“When you look at the collusion and what took place with the FBI and Twitter and the Twitter Files, but this is just a small part of the Twitter Files but a very important part,” Trump said.
“How they were silenced and maybe they were doing the silencing, I don’t know, but it’s the same result how they were silenced having to do with all of the corruption that was done by Democrats on many fronts but also the whole Hunter Biden laptop from hell,” he continued.
“When you see that and when you saw what happened, people were shocked by it,” the former president said. “That basically government was controlling free speech and they were controlling it strongly and saying what you could talk about, what you can’t and they were trying to do it in a polite way.”
“But I guarantee it at the time it was done it wasn’t very polite. So when you see that happening, it had a tremendous impact on the election,” he said.
“This was a shocking event to see and we are going to make sure that doesn’t happen again,” he added.
The tech industry is a crucial fundraising tool for political campaigns, and candidates on both sides of the aisle are heavily reliant on social media to connect with voters. Trump’s message of protecting free speech on social media could resonate with his supporters and make him a formidable candidate in 2024.
Trump’s message on free speech and big tech is likely to be a central theme of his campaign if he decides to run for President in 2024. It remains to be seen whether his proposed Digital Bill of Rights will gain traction, but his message could have a significant impact on the debate around free speech and online censorship.