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REPORT: Feds Pressed Epstein For ‘Dirt’ On Trump Whether Provable Or Not, Ex-Cellmate Says



Federal prosecutors pressed multi-millionaire financier and sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein for “dirt” on Donald Trump in order to impeach him during his first term, according to an explosive Substack report from independent reporter Jessica Kraus. Prosecutors reportedly offered Epstein a plea deal in exchange for information, regardless of whether it could be proven or not.

The report quoted convicted killer and ex-cop Nicholas Tartaglione, 57, who was Epstein’s cellmate before his mysterious suicide in 2019.  Tartaglione sat down for a phone discussion with Kraus, the audio of which was posted to her Substack page.

In the phone conversation, Tartaglione recalled a number of conversations he had with the prolific pedophile. “[Epstein] said, ‘When you were a cop, what do you know about proffers and cooperating?’ I said, ‘Jeff, it’s pretty simple, the prosecutors, you know, they caught a fish — you. They’re not gonna let that fish off the hook unless you give them a bigger fish,'” the former cellmate said.

“He said, ‘Yeah, well, that’s what they said,’” Tartaglione added. “[Epstein] said, ‘They told me they’d let me plead out something small, and I’ll do just a couple of years in a camp, if I can give them something on Trump to get him impeached.’ He says, ‘But the government told me I don’t have to prove what I say about Trump, as long as Trump’s people can’t disprove it.'”

Pictured, Jeffrey Epstein with Bill Clinton. One of his biggest pals was Bill Clinton, who would use Epstein’s private jet repeatedly in 2002 and 2003. Original image source unknown published in Daily Mail Online and Vanity Fair 2011. From Netflix Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich

When presented with the potential deal, Epstein reportedly considered “making stuff up” about the now president-elect in order to obtain a better deal.

In an update posted a day after the audio was released, Kraus reported that Tartaglione was abruptly moved “in the middle of the night without warning” and transferred to an unknown location. He was taken from MDC, where he’d been held for 8 years since his arrest, and relocated to an unknown site,” Kraus wrote in an update.

In 2023, Tartaglione was convicted of murdering four people and sentenced to four life sentences in prison, according to a report from the New York Post. He was in the cell with Epstein when he was found with bruises on July 23, 2019. The convicted killer denied harming Epstein at the time, who was placed on suicide watch after the incident.

Epstein — who was facing charges of sex trafficking and exploitation of minors at the time of his death — hanged himself in his cell on August 10, 2019. Despite the fact that he was on suicide watch, both of the guards meant to keep watch were reportedly sleeping and shopping online instead of checking on him every 30 minutes as required, while security camera footage from the night of Epstein’s death has never been released.

According to Tartaglione, Epstein and Trump knew each other socially but were not on friendly terms. “I said, ‘Well, do you know Trump?’” Tartaglione claimed in the phone call. “He says, ‘Well, you know, I know him. I met him, but we don’t like each other.’ I laughed. I said, ‘Why?’ He said, ‘Trump threw me out of a party at his place in Florida.'”

Trump previously barred Epstein from his Mar-A-Lago estate after he reportedly attempted to speak with a young girl. “I’m not a fan of his,” Trump said after Epstein’s suicide, adding that he had not spoken to him in more than 15 years.

The full client list from Epstein’s notorious island — where underaged girls were trafficked and forced to perform sex acts on influential figures — has still not been released more than five years after his mysterious suicide in a Manhattan jail. The president-elect has vowed to release the client list, in addition to hundreds of additional documents on the Epstein case, during his second term.

RELATED: Epstein’s Brother Breaks His Silence, Claims Feds Are Engaged In ‘Cover-Up’