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‘Euphoria’ Actress Finally Responds After Being Attacked For Family Photo Featuring Pro-Cop Shirt



Sydney Sweeney, an Emmy-nominated actress who can currently be seen in the hit show “Euphoria,” issued a response to all of the haters who commented on pictures she posted on social media from her mother’s 60th birthday, which were called political by radical leftists online.

Because every party needs a pooper, and who fits that description better than a liberal? The actress’ mom reportedly had a party to celebrate her special day that included a man who was rocking a pro-cop t-shirt, while others had red hats that reportedly featured the slogan, “Make Sixty Great Again,” an obvious play on the 2016 slogan of former President Donald Trump’s campaign.

Sweeney, who is 26, fired back against the ridiculous criticism, calling them “wild,” going on to point out that the party was an “innocent celebration” and not a “political statement.”

“You guys this is wild,” she said in a post published on Twitter. “An innocent celebration for my mom’s milestone 60th birthday has turned into an absurd political statement, which was not the intention.”

“Please stop making assumptions,” the actress continued. “Much love to everyone and Happy Birthday Mom!” 

Here is more information from the Daily Wire:

woke bishop

The actress over the weekend posted numerous photos of the family party, adding the caption, “no better way to celebrate my momma than a surprise hoedown.”

In one of the pictures, an older man is wearing a t-shirt with an American flag, including a thin blue line. The flags are associated with the pro-police Blue Lives Matter movement, which runs counter to the Black Lives Matter movement.

Other photos showed guests wearing red hats, which reportedly said: “Make Sixty Great Again.”

You can view the Instagram pic here.

A guy by the name of Tayte Hanson, a gay man with the classy profession of porn star, referred to Sweeney’s family as “racist” over the photographs. Because hey, who doesn’t value the opinion of such a major contributor to both society and the arts?

“‘Assumptions’? Your family are wearing MAGA hats and blue lives matter shirts, they’re racist. Time to face reality sweets, just because [you’re] white and famous doesn’t mean you get to have it all,” he said in his post.

“If you post a photo of yourself wearing a Swastika is it wrong to assume you’re a Nazi?” another Twitter user said. “You’re not responsible for your family’s bigoted beliefs but it’s ridiculous for you to claim people are ‘making assumptions’ when the shirt literally is a political statement.”

Radical leftists have absolutely no sense of humor at all. Every normal part of the human soul that makes joy, happiness, and peace possible is missing from that of the liberal. It’s tragic really.

There are still a few folks out there with a little common sense, such as the individuals who poked fun at the ridiculousness of the backlash the actress received for such a small thing.

“Unless Sydney Sweeney forces her parents to vote for Joe Biden at gunpoint I can no longer in good conscience ‘stan’ her tv show about high schoolers snorting heroin out of each others mouths,” one Twitter user went on to write, making a reference to the show “Euphoria.”

This isn’t the first time that Sweeney received public backlash. Back in June, the actress found herself the target of the so-called “body positivity” movement for being a good-looking gal and wearing a miniskirt at the MTV Movie and TV Awards.

“Why Sydney Sweeney’s micromini outfit feels like a threat to body positivity: ‘So coveted yet unachievable,’” Kerry Justich stated in the headline of a piece she wrote, which cited numerous social media users and “body acceptance advocates,” who were upset at Sweeney for…well…no good reason at all. Can you imagine being this bitter and offended by someone for being good-looking and healthy?

“Sydney Sweeney had her toned midriff on full display at the MTV Movie and TV awards where she wore a micro-miniskirt paired with a super-cropped collared top by Miu Miu,” she went on to write in a tone that’s hard not to mistake for pure jealousy. “While the low-rise trend has already been seeing a resurgence, the red carpet moment is triggering a response from people who’d like to leave it in the past.”

“No shade to beautiful Sydney… but I’m sad we’re seeing more of this ULTRA low rise waist and ULTRA flat tummy look again,” a social media commenter, who was cited by Justich, went on to say. “So coveted yet unachievable for so many of us with different builds.”

Sorry to sound callous, but isn’t that the commenter’s problem? If you are body positive, why not love your body the way it is and appreciate Sweeney’s for the way it looks, showing respect for the differences? Jealousy is the exact opposite of body positivity.

These people sound so pathetic.

Perhaps the world would be better if we all just got off social media and minded our own business. Just something to think about.