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Fairfax County Democrats Designate Easter Sunday As ‘Transgender Visibility Day’



Fairfax County, Virginia has designated Easter Sunday 2024 as “Transgender Visibility Day” in a move seen by Christians as a deliberate insult to their most sacred holiday.

The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors voted to recognize the latest day of praise for LGBT individuals during a session last week. Breitbart News noted that the Northern Virginia county has already designated June as LGBT Pride Month, while October has been recognized as LGBT History Month. With the latest measure, the county has set aside 61 days for LGBT recognition and praise.

“As an elected official, it should be our moral responsibility to stand up for all people that we represent, not just the people we like or the people we agree with,” board chairman Jeff McKay, a Democrat, said after the resolution was passed.

All nine Democrats on the board of supervisors voted in favor of the resolution, though one Republican member, Pat Herrity, did not show up for the vote. James Walkinshaw, a Democrat, was visibly annoyed that the resolution to designate Easter Sunday as “Transgender Visibility Day” did not pass unanimously. ““I’m looking forward to the day when we have a full dais for this proclamation, and that day will come. One way or the other, that day will come,” he said.

The latest resolution is not the first time Fairfax County Democrats have hijacked Easter for political purposes.

In 2021, the school board made a number of changes to the district’s calendar that included the “intentional decoupling” of Spring Break from Easter, according to a report from the Washington Examiner. The “inclusive” calendar does not line up with surrounding districts and the bulk of the country at large, which includes Easter as part of Spring Break.

Board members explained that the new calendar ” “decouples spring break from any religious or cultural observances.”