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Far-Left Activist Who Threatened To Kill Republican City Council Members Charged With 18 Felonies



An anti-Israel protester who threatened to kill members of the Bakersfield City Council at a public meeting been charged with several felony counts.

Riddhi Patel, 28, was in tears when she pleaded not guilty to 18 felony charges after she threatened to murder members of the Bakersfield City Council and Republican Mayor Karen Goh after they opted not to adopt a resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza.

Patel went viral on social media earlier this week after she erupted into a violent tirade during the public comment section of Wednesday’s city council meeting. The far-left extremist stated her wish that “oppressed minorities” would guillotine city council members, claiming that even Jesus Christ would support their murder. She even threatened to show up at their houses and murder them.

The activist also accused council members of not caring about the Palestinian people and expressed her desire for the “global south” to rise up and kill them. “You guys wanna criminalize us with metal detectors? We’ll see you at your house. We’ll murder you.”

“I remind you that these holidays that we practice, that other people in the global south practice, believe in violent revolution against their oppressors, and I hope one day somebody brings the guillotine and kills all of you motherfu****s,” she said.

As Patel was wrapping up her rant, Mayor Goh asked police to escort her out of the building. She was later charged with eight counts of threatening state officials and 10 counts of making threats with intent to terrorize.

During her arraignment hearing, the judge ordered her held on $1 million bond and ordered her to stay at least 500 yards away from city hall.

According to a report from the Los Angeles Times, Patel is a Bakersfield native and works as the economic development coordinator for a local nonprofit.