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Fetterman’s Team Give Big Update After Spending Days in Hospital



After a short hospitalization due to “lightheadedness,” Democratic Senator John Fetterman from Pennsylvania is returning to the Senate following a stroke he experienced during his Senate campaign.

Joe Calvello, Fetterman’s spokesperson,  reported the following on his Twitter page.

“A few minutes ago, Senator Fetterman was discharged from the hospital. In addition to the CT, CTA and MRI tests ruling out a stroke, his EEG test results came back normal, with no evidence of seizures. John is looking forward to returning to the Senate on Monday.”

After spending three days in the hospital due to “lightheadedness,” concerns have arisen regarding the health of 53-year-old Senator Fetterman, according to The New York Times.

The article also reported that the transition from being a candidate to a senator has been challenging for Fetterman, as he faces the demands of both the campaign and the job.

The New York Times also said:

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The latest health scare convinced his staff that Mr. Fetterman needs a better plan to take care of himself, both physically and emotionally.

Mr. Fetterman declined to be interviewed for this story. But aides and confidantes describe his introduction to the Senate as a difficult period, filled with unfamiliar duties that are taxing for someone still in recovery

Those close to Senator Fetterman have reported that his transition into the Senate has been tough due to the unfamiliar and taxing duties of the job.

Adding to his difficulties is a neurological condition that impairs his hearing, forcing him to use a tablet to transcribe conversations. The condition is inconsistent and worsens in stressful or unfamiliar situations, leaving Fetterman feeling as though he is trying to understand the muffled voice of a character from the “Peanuts” cartoon.

“He has had to come to terms with the fact that he may have set himself back permanently by not taking the recommended amount of rest during the campaign.” The Times reported, “and he continues to push himself in ways that people close to him worry are detrimental.”

Minnesota Democrat Senator Amy Klobuchar said the following after experimenting with the tablet at a Democratic caucus lunch:

“We’re going to have to learn our own styles with it, what I was saying was accurate even when I talked fast. I wanted to make sure it was accurate. It was kind of to imagine what it would be like to be him. He answers like you would answer anyone,” Klobuchar mentioned. “It’s us that have to get used to it; he’s used to it.”

Throughout the election season, the team around Fetterman maintained that their candidate was physically capable of serving in the Senate and had no lingering health concerns. They were wrong.

Senator Fetterman underwent a stroke less than a year ago, resulting in physical changes that challenged his political identity, specifically his machismo persona. Despite progress, the Senator feels frustrated that he has yet to fully recover to his former self.

Moreover, he is forced to accept the possibility of permanent setbacks, having potentially not rested enough during the campaign. Those close to him are worried he is pushing himself too hard and could cause harm.