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Watch! Doctor Jill Gets the Philly Special With Lusty “FJB” Chant at Eagles Game!



Philadelphia Eagles fans are well known as some of the toughest, most savage fans in all of sports. While that may sound bad, and it sometimes is, they are well renowned for their blue-collar attitudes and lack of filter. Eagle fans once famously booed Santa Claus and pelted him with snowballs during halftime of a December game in 1968. Another time in 1999, Cowboy receiver Michael Irvin suffered a spinal cord injury and lay prone on the field, Philly fans as expected cheered loudly. Yikes. Like I said their raucous behavior may sound bad, but sometimes it is downright hilarious. When they aren’t throwing snowballs with batteries packed inside (true story), they can be quite entertaining.

Sunday Jill Biden, America’s favorite fake doctor was in town to promote Cancer month with the NFL. We can all agree that cancer sucks, but apparently, all of Philly can also agree that Doctor Jill sucks, as does her husband. Check this out!

First lady Jill Biden was an honorary captain for the Philadelphia Eagles on Sunday as the team looked to stay undefeated against NFC East rival Dallas Cowboys in Week 6.

Like several Eagles players and Santa Claus before her, fans of the only unbeaten team left in NFL reportedly booed Biden when she stepped onto Lincoln Financial Field. 

Ouch. More often than not during past displays of boorish behavior by Eagle fans, there were underlying issues causing the actions, like living in Philly and losing. No such excuse now as the Eagles are the toast of the NFL. I think perhaps they just plain don’t like Joe and Jill.

Biden led fans in a rendition of “Fly Eagles Fly,” was on hand for the coin toss and was seen talking to Philadelphia 76ers star Joel Embiid.

President Biden and Jill Biden are both huge Eagles fans. The current president was at U.S. Bank Stadium in Minneapolis during Super Bowl LII when Philadelphia won their first title in a classic game against the Tom Brady-led New England Patriots.

The president praised Eagles fans in May 2021.

“Philadelphia fans are the most informed and most obnoxious fans in the world,” Biden said at the time.

Biden was probably also in attendance at the first-ever Eagle game in 1933 considering he is 120 (exaggerating!) years old. Being a huge fan of the Eagles didn’t save old Joe and Jill from getting the now-famous FJB chant. It’s getting pretty bad when the FJB chant can be heard above the singing fans in a Dem city.

How beautiful is that? The City of Brotherly Love giving all of their love to Joe and Jill. All that was missing was Santa Claus and a few snowballs with batteries in them. I’m not suggesting the fans in attendance should throw snowballs at Doctor Jill or any of the people in attendance, but I’m not saying it wouldn’t be hilarious either.

It’s hard to hear the crowd on the field, but I suspect considering the snickers from a couple of people on the field, as well as the absolute cranked-up volume of the chant and the boos that Jill probably picked up what they were putting down.

Can we have a clearer picture of what people think of Joe Biden and his administration? God love the great people of Philadelphia for saying what we are all thinking. FJB!