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Former Education Secretary Betsy DeVos Exposes Truth About Biden’s Debt Forgiveness Plan



Is there really any such thing as a pure motive when it comes to plans and pieces of legislation that are concocted by the radical leftists in Congress and in the White House? Do these people, who claim to be all about “the little guy,” really care about the trials and tribulations of blue-collar workers who make up the backbone of this entire country? Or is there always an angle somewhere in every bill to help those in the Democratic Party slice off a tiny crumb for themselves?

I think most of us already know what the answers to those questions are. Especially after President Joe Biden announced his student loan debt forgiveness plan was announced last week. The motive behind this, according to former President Donald Trump’s former Education Secretary, Betsy DeVos, is to essentially raise his approval rating out of the toilet bowl and earn some votes for his party ahead of the midterms in November.

“There is no incentive; there’s no governor on what these higher-ed institutions can charge,” DeVos stated on Wednesday’s “Rob Schmitt Tonight.” “And if these loans are just forgiven, it changes nothing about the experience of students today and tomorrow.

“They’re going to take out loans and they’re going to take out loans at a higher and higher level, because colleges are going to continue to increase their prices as they have way above and beyond the rate of inflation, particularly since 2010, when the Obama administration federalized student lending and took the private sector out of the equation,” DeVos continued, according to Newsmax.

The former education secretary then stated that private lenders should be brought back into the system. It’s never a bad idea to pull the government out of something and take it to the private sector. All education should follow suit. Public schools, honestly, should cease to exist, being replaced by private institutions that must then compete for students, thus increasing the quality of a child’s education.

“We’ve got to go back to a private sector lending and really upend what is happening now with financing and funding higher education, including supporting multiple pathways beyond high school for important opportunities other than a four-year college or university experience,” DeVos went on to say during the interview to host Rob Schmitt.

DeVos went on to say that this whole student loan forgiveness stuff is just a scam, a “vote-getting ploy” and is something that needs to be contested.

“It is, first of all, patently illegal. And second of all, it’s unfair to the Americans, two out of three who didn’t attend college or didn’t take out student loans,” DeVos remarked. “And for those who faithfully paid, what does it say to them? And not to mention our veterans who have earned their tuition?

“This is nothing but a vote-getting ploy, and it does nothing to solve the very real issue of the runaway student debt and runaway cost of higher education. It does nothing to address that,” the former education secretary said. She then went on to propose a rather radical plan to get rid of the Department of Education. And let me tell you, this is music to my ears. It should be to yours as well.

We need to go back to the drawing board. And, in fact, when you look at all the things that are coming out of the Department of Education, the Biden Department of Education, it blatantly makes the case that the Department of Education should not exist,” DeVos stated.

That, my friends, makes my heart leap for joy. We absolutely need to abolish the Department of Education. If we were to take back control of the White House and both chambers of Congress, this should be an item that is on the list for the agenda. It should be done right away. By doing away with the department, we would strip the radical left of their most powerful weapon, which is the indoctrination of future generations.