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Former Seattle Gov Employee Fights Back against “Degrading and Racist” Treatment from CRT-Obsessed Office



According to an employee of Seattle’s Human Services Department, Joshua Diemert, it’s not just that the Seattle Human Services Department has adopted Critical Race Theory and started working it into its training program. Rather, it’s that that CRT-based training and CRT-induced mentality became, as Just the News reports, the “basis for years of race-based promotions and treatment of program applicants, verbal abuse, retaliation and even violent threats.

In fact, according to the lawsuit filed by Mr. Diemert, he was routinely harassed by those in the office because of his race, with Mr. Diemert claiming that he faced “unrelenting coercion and racial harassment“. That coercion and harassment allegedly came from his supervisor, who demanded that he lessen his “white privilege” by resigning so that a minority could be promoted into a leadership role he was in.

Shockingly, Mr. Diemert complied with the supervisor’s demands and gave up the role. The department then promoted two “people of color”, neither of whom had any supervisory experience, to the leadership position. they were unable to do the job and so, Just the News reports, “required constant hand-holding from Diemert to do his former role.

Additionally, he claims that the department would not process his Family and Medical Leave Act request as a form of retaliation after he criticized the city’s Race and Social Justice Initiative. The situation became so bad and unjust that the US Department of Labor had to step in and force the city to comply.

The lawsuit, describing the horrific situation Mr. Diemert was put in by the city during his time in the Human Services Department, claims that “Mr. Diemert had to constantly be on defense, as his work environment became increasingly toxic and hostile. He was forced to continue looking at degrading and racist material disseminated in the office that labeled him a white supremacist.

This isn’t the first time Seattle-area government agencies have been caught using Critical Race Theory. They were caught around this time last year as well, with Chris Rufo reporting on Twitter that CRT has thoroughly infected Seattle Public Schools. In his words:

Seattle Public Schools officially endorses “Critical Race Theory” as part of its Black Studies curriculum and is “working to develop a liberatory curriculum for grades K-5 that embeds Black Studies across all subjects.”

woke bishop

The Seattle school board does “racial equity training” that explicitly teaches “critical race theory.” Seattle Public Schools is deploying 31 “racial equity teams” who practice “critical race theory” in K-12 schools, including elementary schools.

So CRT has thoroughly infected the Seattle government and many of those working for it, with Mr. Diemert’s story proving former President Trump’s assertion that CRT is psychological abuse quite true. Trump made that remark in an op-ed for RCP, saying:

Teaching even one child these divisive messages would verge on psychological abuse. Indoctrinating generations of children with these extreme ideas is not just immoral — it is a program for national suicide. Yet that is exactly what the Biden administration endorsed recently in a rule published in the Federal Register aimed at inflicting a critical race theory-inspired curriculum on American schoolchildren.

Yet that would appear to be exactly what Seattle is doing, both in schools and in government agencies.