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WATCH: Fox Producer Caught Admitting Tucker’s Firing Was Part Of Dominion Suit



A conservative watchdog group has obtained video of a Fox News producer admitting that the sudden firing of Tucker Carlson was related to the company’s settlement with Dominion Voting Systems as well as a “shady” former Biden advisor at the company and pressure from advertisers like Pfizer.

On Monday, James O’Keefe released footage appearing to show Fox producer Sean Langille sipping coffee at a table while discussing the post-Carlson developments with an off-camera associate.

Langille claims that Carlson’s firing was “part of the settlement” that Fox reached to end a lawsuit by the company charging Carlson and other on-air network talents with defaming the company and its voting technology following the 2020 election.


O’Keefe, who recently separated from Project Veritas, has built a reputation for executing undercover sting operations with sources who believe they are speaking confidentially while on dates or out with associates.

In the video, an “undercover journalist” speaks in passing about the issues and lets Langille fill in the details, like when he claimed the network is “beholden to advertisers” such as Covid-19 vaccine maker Pfizer. Langille intimated that “Big Pharma” was unhappy with Carlson’s criticism of its products and therefore exerted pressure on leadership to oust their primetime host.

Throughout the video, Langille details other actors who played a role in Carlson’s firing such as Mike LaRosa at Dominion who is “crafting Dominion’s message to the public,” and a “bunch of advertisers” who boycotted Carlson’s 8 p.m. hour but returned after he left the network. LaRosa, the former press secretary for First Lady Jill Biden, launched his own consulting firm in 2022 with his “sole client” being Dominion, Langille claims. He “left the White House to literally go take down the network that was being unfavorable to his boss,” Langille added in the video.

Since parting ways with Fox in April, Carlson has announced he will be launching his own show on Twitter.