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Gov. Ron DeSantis Reveals Florida’s Freedom Agenda In New ‘Playbook’



Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, a Republican who is growing in popularity among conservatives, and his current reelection campaign have now released “The DeSantis Playbook” Thursday, which functions as a guide to his “Freedom Agenda” for the state, which is going to focus on several big issues including parental rights, economic policy, the environment, and law and order.

What this means is the radical left is about to be given a whole lot more reasons to hate him, while the conservatives across the country will be given many, many more to love him.

This playbook, which was obtained by the Daily Wire, provides a rather long list of the accomplishments of DeSantis’ administration.

“Florida has consistently led the way on issues like keeping businesses open and kids in school, parental rights in education, standing up for law enforcement, and protecting our environment, all while enacting the largest tax relief package in our state’s history,” DeSantis went on to say in a statement.

“For the past three and a half years, Florida has led with a freedom-first agenda, and we’re just getting started,” he added. “The DeSantis Playbook is a guide for those who are following our blueprint for freedom here in Florida.”

Here are more details from the Daily Wire report:

That agenda includes “putting kids first and protecting parents’ rights,” according to the playbook, which emphasizes the importance of keeping communities safe, keeping Florida’s environment beautiful, securing the state’s elections, standing up for moms and families, supporting veterans and active duty military, and fighting special interests.

At a “Mamas for DeSantis” event earlier this month in Miami, first lady Casey DeSantis described the playbook as a “digestible format” to lay out both her husband’s accomplishments and Florida’s “Freedom Agenda.”

She urged the ladies at the campaign event to host book clubs and go through the agenda, which concludes with a call to provide team DeSantis with insights (“a wealth of knowledge,” as Casey DeSantis described it) on what media they get their information from, what issues will drive them to the polls, and what the campaign should be focusing on.

“The governor is unwavering in his leadership for freedom-first policies, all of which are detailed in the DeSantis Playbook,” Casey DeSantis, who started the “Mamas for DeSantis” movement back in June. “We look forward to sharing this with Floridians as a resource for what it means to govern with freedom at top of mind.”

woke bishop

“I encourage all Floridians to host a Playbook Club to discuss the importance of good policies, strong leadership, and the stakes of the November elections,” she commented, explaining that the governor’s “Freedom Agenda” is “a model for freedom across the nation and across the world.”

I don’t know when it will happen, but sometime in the future, I truly believe we are going to see a DeSantis administration in the White House. It might not be this next cycle, but I truly think we’re going to see this man as president one day.

And I believe it will be a great time for our country. Imagine if Trump were to serve another term, followed by DeSantis? Let the good times roll!

DeSantis has a lot in common with Trump, especially when it comes to intestinal fortitude. The Florida governor has been ruthlessly attacked, even by other governors in different states, but that has not made him back down a bit from the values and principles he believes.

In fact, DeSantis has taken on two major corporations, Disney and Paypal, and defeated them both when they opposed measures he was taking to benefit children in the state and protect them from being force-fed gender identity and sexual orientation topics at a young age.

He’s got all of the hallmarks of good leadership and has proven himself consistent. It’ll be interesting to watch his future, that’s for sure.