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Democrat Governor dubbed “Worst in America”



Michigan’s first time governor, Democrat Gretchen Whitmer, is being slammed for her draconian style of ruling and extreme measures during the outbreak. She’s officially been labeled as the worst governor in America, a title given to her by Robert Stacy McCain of Spectator. Whitmer received this title after people started calling her policies regarding the outbreak insane and to the extreme.

McCain points out that Michigan, at the time, had the third-highest number of coronavirus cases. This could be due to people not social distancing like they’re supposed to. There’s no way to prove one way or the other why their cases are much higher, but that’s just one possible contributing factor.

One of the reasons Whitmer is being heavily criticized is because she has essentially banned the sale of seeds and garden supplies – right at the start of the spring season when many people plant their own food. McCain posted about Executive Order 2020-24 and quoted this from it:  “Temporary requirement to suspend activities that are not necessary to sustain or protect life.”

It references stores that are more than 50,000 and how they will be “cordoning them off, placing signs in aisles, posting prominent signs, removing goods from shelves, or other appropriate means” that sell carpet or flooring, furniture, and “garden centers and plant nurseries.”

Here’s the thing – what stores are often the biggest? Super markets. Walmart. Target. Stores that sometimes have both essential food items as well as other things.

Whitmer has in place a fine up to $1,000 for anyone who does not follow her executive order. Violation of her order previously resulted in a misdemeanor charge and a $500 fine. But now, “Michigan Department of Health and Human Services director Robert Gordon issued an Emergency Order setting a civil penalty of up to $1,000 for violations of the order.” If the fine isn’t enough, it could also result in jail time – up to 90 days.

Other things that appear to be banned activity are unnecessary travel, such as visiting your own vacation homes. As stated on Yahoo News, “Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer announced a stay-at-home order on Thursday that means residents will not be able to travel between residences.”

One might think getting out of town for a few nights, traveling to your own property, would be a relief. Except, in Michigan under Whitmer’s order – it’s not exactly allowed.

To put it further in perspective, if someone lives alone or with one other person and they want to work in their own garden, at their own home, they may not be able to this year.

In a hypothetical scenario, someone who goes to Walmart or Target might be there to purchase mostly food, as many people do. However, if they want to pickup some cucumber seeds to grow their own food – that might be a violation of Whitmer’s executive order because buying seeds are technically banned.

Whitmer’s extended executive order has effectively banned nonessential goods and that includes garden seeds.

It also includes clothes and car seats for children, likely so you don’t look nice and can’t take your kids anywhere.

She’s being touted as the worst governor for pushing too far on her policy and some of the items she’s banned the sale of don’t appear to be something worth banning.