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GREAT NEWS: Gun Ownership Reaches Record Highs In America



A new national poll released Tuesday has revealed that a record-shattering 52% of registered voters say either they or a member of their household owns a gun. While the increase cuts across both parties, it is still a very partisan trend. The NBC News/Wall Street Journal survey shows a “stunning” increase in gun ownership of ten percent over a decade, with a six percent jump since 2019.

Micah Roberts of Public Opinion Strategies which performed the poll with Hart Research, representing Republican and Democrat pollsters respectively said, “In the last ten years, we’ve grown [10 points] in gun ownership. That’s a very stunning number.”

“By and large, things don’t change that dramatically that quickly when it comes to something as fundamental as whether you own a gun.”

Gun ownership does still fall largely along party lines, with a wide majority of owners being Republican or Independent. Sixty-six percent of Republicans have a gun in their household while just 45% of Independents and 41% of Democrats said the same.

One of the largest increases by cohort has been amongst Black voters; 41% now have a gun in their household, a massive 17-point increase in just four years. White voters still have a greater tendency to have a gun in the home than Black or Latino voters.

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Stephen Gutowski, founder of The Reload, observed via X, “This poll shows a massive increase in gun ownership among voters. That’s in line with the reports we’ve seen about new buyers driving the 2020 sales surge, but this is the first major national poll to show such a big change.”

According to NBC, the poll was taken from Nov. 10-14 with 1,000 registered voters and a margin of error of +/-3.1%.

The result wasn’t limited to the NBC poll either, with Breitbart reporting a Harvard/Harris poll conducted November 15-16, 2023, found that 6 in 10 Americans found that owning a gun is a necessary part of self-defense. Fascinatingly, broken down by party affiliation, even a 54% majority of Democrats agreed along with 56% of Independents and an overwhelming 77% of Republicans.

AWR Hawkins of Breitbart responded to the development, saying, “Super bad news for leftists. This poll shows strong support for gun ownership among voters registered as Independents.”

Even more profound was the assignment of responsibility for the recent uptick in crime. A 56% majority of the American voters agreed, “Woke politicians are to blame for rising crime.” And a wide majority, 67%, supported “removing DA’s who are soft on crime.”

The Harvard/HarrisX poll was conducted from Nov 15-16 with 2,851 registered voters.

As reported by Trending Politics, the last sixty days have seen multiple prominent cases striking down restrictions on gun ownership