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WOW: Gutfeld Goes Off On Media Matters Hack For Pathetic Tucker Leaks



Fox News host Greg Gutfeld clapped back at an operative of liberal Media Matters who posted a clip of Tucker Carlson bantering on set with a makeup artist, jokingly asking her if “pillow fights ever break out” in the restroom when women “powder their noses.”

In the clip, Carlson receives makeup treatment from an off-camera woman who gives and takes with the former primetime host, saying “sometimes” nose-powdering goes on and pillow-fighting is “not in the bathroom.” Carlson quipped that the latter is “more of a dorm activity.”

“[I]magine having to tell your parents that your job is narcing on the casual comments of other people while they, happily unaware, make a living,” Gutfeld seethed.

“Your parents would be so embarrassed and ashamed they’d rather tell their friends you died in a fire.”

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Matthew Gertz, a fellow at Media Matters who posted the clip, got a healthy ratio on Twitter where users mocked his opposition research.

Following the surprise dismissal of Carlson by Fox News on April 24, the network sent a cease-and-desist letter to the liberal operation over its continued publishing of leaked behind-the-scenes footage. Gertz previously published an op-ed calling the host’s firing “great news for America,” and Carlson had railed against Media Matters for conducting political activities while organized as a nonpartisan nonprofit with the IRS.

Founded in 2008 by Democratic operative David Brock, Media Matters is part of a “three-pronged empire” alongside super PACs American Bridge 21st Century and Correct the Record to help Democrats engage in rapid-response activities.

After Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 presidential election to Donald Trump, insiders criticized the direction of Media Matters for its defenses of the Democratic candidate verging on the “absurd.” Brock began his career as a conservative journalist, outing the personal life of President Bill Clinton before changing sides and becoming a full-throated defender of liberal causes.