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“He is a Dangerous Fraud”: Tucker Just DESTROYED Fauci [WATCH]



When it comes to fighting back against the left, there’s really no one better than Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson. Whereas others stay silent, use mealy-mouthed words to avoid taking a real stand, or even attack fellow conservatives so as to avoid drawing the ire of the blue-hair types, Tucker doesn’t.

Rather, he speaks the truth as he sees it, fighting back against the left by exposing its craziness and brilliantly calling it out in clever, often humorous ways that get people to start watching and listening.

Such is what he did again, bashing Fauci to bits in a segment that wasn’t merciful in the least.

At one point, for example, Tucker joked that Fauci would be “sitting masked at Brian Stelter’s house”  for Thanksgiving before getting into why Fauci is really leaving his position.

But that came after Tucker first mocked those who are worried about Fauci’s retirement, hilariously saying:

Imagine the pandemonium at SoulCycle studios across the Northeast this morning when Tony Fauci announced his retirement. Ugly doesn’t begin to describe it. Picture the chaos, if you can, in the organic chaga aisle at Whole Foods in Brooklyn. Try to envision the panic and hysteria that must have broken out at espresso bars in Edgartown and Aspen and Santa Monica and Bethesda as thousands of masked ladies in Lululemon discovered, all at once, that the one religious leader they still revered, their own even tinier version of the Dalai Lama, had decided to retreat forever from public life. 

It was, ladies and gentlemen, the equivalent of a targeted nuclear device detonated over the most emotionally vulnerable elements of our most privileged population. You can picture the carnage, the wailing, the swooning, manicured hands clutched to breasts, then fumbling for Xanax and expensive handbags. Not since the orange man seized the White House in a Russian coup have more 46-year-old Cornell-educated lawyers with weak husbands wept shamelessly in public.  

free hat

It was then that Tucker got to the “sitting masked at Brian Stelter’s” bit, saying “He’s sitting masked at Brian Stelter’s house watching Chris Hayes tonight because this morning, Tony Fauci announced his abdication.

Then, after firing off that hilarious mark, Tucker exposed why it really is that Fauci has decided to leave his position all of the sudden, commenting that it’s probably because Republicans plan on holding him accountable after they retake the legislature, saying:

“I will be leaving these positions,” It was always more than one, “I’ll be leaving these positions in December of this year to pursue my next chapter of my career,” he said. The next chapter of his career? He’s only 81. Some of us had hoped he’d be around another 40 years, but he’s leaving so soon, too soon. Why? What’s going on here? You hate to think politics could affect Tony Fauci’s judgment as a scientist.  

They never have before, but is it possible this thoroughly nonpartisan man of medicine has thought about what might happen in November when the Republican Congress takes over? Does he believe that could be bad news for him? Well, yes, it is possible he believes that because on some level, even Tony Fauci knows that Tony Fauci is, in fact, a dangerous fraud, a man who has done things that in most countries, at most times in history, would be understood perfectly clearly to be very serious crimes. So, it’s possible that Tony Fauci might want to resign before he has to explain all of that to a new Congress.  

Watch Tucker here:

Tucker is likely right. Fauci had better be worried, he has a lot of explaining to do.

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