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Hilarious! CBS Journalists Travel Biden Dominated Areas of Florida, Find Exactly ZERO Crist Supporters



Poor Charlie Crist. The former republican-turned leftist that is running for second place in the Florida Governor’s race has known he has his work cut out for him, even if he refuses to admit it. Crist boldly predicted a win on Election Day, giving a speech to his (few) supporters promising to sign an executive order on abortion, and blaming DeSantis for everything from high energy prices to attacking Disney’s free speech. Crist also accused DeSantis of only being concerned with running for President. An odd attack for Crist to make considering that’s essentially an admission that Heavy D is extremely popular in Florida and nationally.

CBS News recently hilariously helped to reinforce Crist’s lack of popularity. They sent journalists to areas that voted for Biden in 2020 and started asking who people were supporting for Governor. The results weren’t exactly what they were expecting. Check this out.

“CBS This Morning” hosts were shocked that they couldn’t find any supporters for Florida’s Democratic gubernatorial nominee in areas that voted for President Biden in 2020.

Co-host Tony Dokoupil shared meals with voters up and down the coast of the Sunshine State in areas he said voted for Biden in 2020. Floridians praised their governor as a “beast” who “doesn’t BS around.”

Florida residents by and large love DeSantis, while Crist is considered extremely milquetoast, despite his attempts to talk tough about abortion and energy. Floridians just aren’t buying it.

“We realized on that day-long trip, we spoke to dozens of people up and down the coast of Florida, all in precincts, by the way, that voted for President Biden in 2020. But to our surprise, we did not run into a supporter of Ron DeSantis’ Democratic opponent, that would be Charlie Crist.”

woke bishop

“It’s pretty clear Democrats have their work cut out for them here,” the journalist determined.

Saying Democrats have their work cut out for them in Florida is the equivalent of Brody saying “you’re gonna need a bigger boat” in Jaws. DeSantis is the behemoth with the rows of teeth and the no nonsense attitude and Crist’s boat is little more than a dinghy at this point.

“At one point I stood at a stop sign and flagged down every single car to ask the driver who they were supporting for governor. At another point I went into a diner that wasn’t on our list, this was meal four of the day, went to every table and couldn’t find one.

Perhaps all of Charlie’s supporters were at the beach? Maybe at an abortion rally? Perhaps all four of them got together for brunch? The end result is the same. CBS News inadvertently embarrassed the entire Crist campaign by exposing what Floridians already know. Ron DeSantis is a force of nature. He is universally loved and supported, and even his non supporters know Crist has been dragging him through the mud. When asked, this is what one non-DeSantis supporter said.

Floridians who supported the governor told CBS that the economy, immigration, free speech, and cultural issues would drive them to the polls today. One voter said he hadn’t voted for DeSantis and did not support him in this election, but he was being “unfairly vilified” by the national media.

Imagine that, the national media vilifying a Republican for standing for free speech, right to life, and the people of Florida. Floridians are making their voices heard, and it should likely end Charlie Crist’s sad political career.