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Hypocritical Google Keeps Truth Social Banned From App Store Over Content Moderation While Facebook, Instagram Broadcast Shooting Spree



Google Play has decided to ban users from downloading former president Donald Trump’s Truth social over content moderation. Yet, other platforms like Instagram and Facebook can still be downloaded from Apple and Google’s online platforms. This might lead one to believe that Truth social has been the one airing inappropriate content several times daily and not the other way around.

According to Google, banning Trump’s application was essential for content moderation, yet Meta platforms are still available for download. These same meta platforms were used to broadcast a live shooting spree by 19-year-old Ezekiel Kelly. This live shooting exhibition featured the death of four people, according to reports from the police. 

The gunman said on his Facebook live stream, “No faking, this s–t for real,” as he walked into an AutoZone and shot a man to his death.

Since the former president was banned on certain social media platforms, which led him to create his Truth Social, no incident as extreme as this has been broadcasted on his application. However, one cannot say the same for these Meta platforms. Both Instagram and Facebook users have broadcasted billions of offensive content over the years.

However, since Donald Trump is the creator of Truth Social, Google and Apple have evidently joined the train to prevent the former president from having a voice. Google announced last week that the former president’s app, which he created as an alternative to Twitter to allow freedom of speech, will remain banned despite having over 500,000 active users.

woke bishop

Google added that the ban would only be removed if Truth Social embraced Silicon Valley’s censorship and adopted certain moderation policies.

A spokesperson for Google said to the media, “On Aug. 19, we notified Truth Social of several violations of standard policies in their current app submission and reiterated that having effective systems for moderating user-generated content is a condition of our terms of service for any app to go live on Google Play.”

This announcement came at the same time New York Times condemned Truth Social as a haven for extremism in a report.

Headlining the piece with “QAnon Accounts Found a Home, and Trump’s Support, on Truth Social.” New York Times highlights several accounts in an attempt to justify the unjust condemnation of the application. 

This censorship regime headed by the liberal media and big tech is seemingly in accordance with the Parler playbook where Amazon, Apple, and Google join forces to eliminate the rival social media platform,

Last year, the three platforms also banned Parler from their services as they claimed that extremist content was being promoted on the platform, which led to the Capitol protest. It should be noted that these three tech giants did not strip other platforms like Twitter and FaceBook from their platforms. Yet, each of these platforms engaged in the same activities during that period.