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Infamous Monica Lewinsky Sheds Light On The ‘Issues’ She Had With ‘Unavailable Men’ From An ‘Early Age’



The infamous Monica Lewinsky, who gained a very much unwanted fifteen minutes of fame after being busted engaged in sexual relations with former President Bill Clinton, stated on Thursday that her “issues” with “unavailable men” began in childhood. Well now. that’s rather disturbing, wouldn’t you say?

“Looks like i had issues w/ unavailable men from an early age,” Lewinsky went on to say in an Instagram post along with the fictional characters Snoopy and Bert from “Sesame Street.” Just a plain weird, slightly creepy thing to say. Apparently, this woman still has issues or trauma or something going on that’s made her a  little, well, off.

According to Fox News, “Lewinsky was involved in an affair with former President Bill Clinton beginning in 1995 when she was a White House intern. She was 22 when the affair began, and Clinton was 49. Clinton was impeached in 1998, but was acquitted by the U.S. Senate with five Republicans joining Democrats in supporting the acquittal. Lewinsky has struggled to move on from the scandal, and produced a documentary in 2021 titled ’15 Minutes of Shame.'”

“One of the factors — and we do take people through this in the film — is around the idea of how shame had been used since the beginning of time as a social tool. When the printing press was invented, it all of the sudden leap-frogged into being something that could not be commoditized,” Lewinski remarked in October 2021.

While this is obviously some kind of joke, there is some sort of kernel of truth in the jest Lewinsky made in the post. Back when this incident took place, she was a very impressionable young woman who allowed herself to be taken advantage of by a monstrously corrupt political figure who was supposed to possess high moral character.

That’s not to absolve Lewinsky of any wrongdoing. She knew she was getting sexually involved with a married man. And not just any man, but the president, the leader of the free world.

So what is Monica up to these days?

Apparently writing essays for Vanity Fair, the latest being about the midterm elections, expressing her belief that this election could be the last time “representative democracy” works.

“The sad truth and consequence of the coming election—the most significant midterm in memory—makes it all the more incumbent upon us to make bloody sure we give our consent to be governed. That’s because one subject, above all others, is on the ballot. A woman’s body. It’s the gateway issue: Once our bodily autonomy is gone, we are on a one-way ticket to the Republic of Gilead. Or in other words—for the 2 percent of you who haven’t seen (or read) The Handmaid’s Tale—’it’s the autonomy, stupid,'” Lewinsky wrote.

Many candidates this election cycle have made it plain (Lindsey Graham, anyone?) that they would favor a national ban on abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy—some even in cases of rape, incest, or a serious threat to the life of the mother. No one has “having an abortion” on their bucket list. No one wants an unplanned pregnancy. Abortion is simply the last resort to prevent one (or chosen for medical reasons), and it must be every woman’s right to make that difficult decision for herself,” the infamous former White House intern said.

Her whole piece is based on the idea that if Roe is allowed to remain overturned and abortion is left to the states, people will probably vote to ban it and then women cannot kill their unborn children. So not only is she a woman of loose morals, she wants to ensure that the blood of unborn children continues to be shed in the United States.

This woman really is a piece of work.