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Jill Biden Caught Up In A New Scandal



While the Biden administration has doubled down on pro-abortion messaging as a strategic choice going into the 2024 presidential election, First Lady Jill Biden has waded into the fray by inviting a pro-abortion activist to the State of the Union Address. Many now see the invitation of the activist, who aborted her own child due to a defect, as scandalous.

As reported by Life News, Kate Cox, a Texas woman who unsuccessfully sued the state to challenge its prohibitions on abortion only to flee to New Mexico to abort her daughter Chloe at 21 weeks, was invited to attend the address to a joint session of Congress by the First Lady. Cox has been lionized by the Biden administration, Democrats, and left-leaning media for aborting her daughter rather than attempting to treat her for Trisomy-18, a birth defect with a 10% survival rate.

During a Wednesday press conference, White House Press Secretary Karinne Jean-Pierre confirmed the invitation saying, “The first lady invited Kate to join her as a guest at the State of the Union and Kate accepted.” She added that President Joe Biden and the First Lady both “thanked [Cox] for her courage in sharing her story and speaking out about the impact of the extreme abortion ban in Texas,” establishing the clear intent to use the woman as a political prop.

Jean-Pierre claimed, “It is important for Americans to hear the [harrowing] stories that we’re hearing from women of their experiences across the country.”

During a Tuesday rally in Manassas, Virginia, President Biden blamed former President Donald Trump for being “most responsible” for the overturning of the Roe v. Wade decision by the Supreme Court, claiming that he was party to “stripping away,” a supposed “right” to abortion that the Court found never really existed.

According to Fox News, Biden claimed that women are “being turned away from our emergency rooms, forced to travel hundreds of miles to get basic health care, forced to go to court to plead to help to protect themselves, and the ability to often have children in the future.”

Biden continued, “The cruelty is astounding and it’s a direct affront to a woman’s dignity to be told by extreme politicians and judges to wait to get sicker and sicker before anything can happen, even to the point where, as you heard your life had been determined to be in danger, or the idea that a woman should have to carry a fetus after she’d been raped or the victim of incest,” Biden said, despite Democrats and pro-abortion activists commonly rejecting abortion bans with these exceptions.

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He even leveraged Cox’s particular scenario adding, “Or the idea a woman receives competent medical advice that the fetus she’s carrying won’t live and will impact on her ability to have children in the future,” before obtusely referring to abortion as “medical care.”

Counter to Biden’s argument centered on Cox’s Trisomy-18 case, while a challenging prognosis, the birth defect is not 100% lethal. As LifeNews noted, former Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA), posted his daughter Bella’s story to X in response to claims from Ann Coulter that “Trisomy 18 is not a condition that is compatible with life.”

Santorum explained, “Meet my incompatible w life daughter Bella. Her docs put her on hospice at 10 days old. Other countries have much higher survival rates than US because they treat the baby not the diagnosis. Every kid deserves a shot at life, not be brutally dismembered for not being perfect.

When asked by another X user “when parents are told 90% die within the first year, suffering until their eventual death, why not let the parent make that decision?” Santorum answered matter-of-factly,

“100% of people die and all of us suffer throughout our lives until we die. Your logic would suggest parents should be able to kill any child for any or no reason.”

This is the logical basis for the argument that the Bidens seek to use Mrs. Cox to forward at the State of the Union and in Biden’s 2024 race.