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Joe Biden Says Supreme Court Decision Has ‘Awakened’ American Women



Abortion is the true civil rights fight of our generation. We have innocent human beings who are vulnerable and unable to voice their own thoughts, worries, concerns, or to defend themselves against women who want to slaughter them in the one place they should be totally safe and secure: their mother’s womb. So many children have been murdered this way that the killing of the unborn has been referred to as a holocaust.

However, this evil, vile practice, the sacrificing of the pre-born on the altar of convenience, took a major blow earlier this summer when the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, which allows states to decide how to regulate abortion for themselves, having found that there is no right to abortion in the Constitution.

But Breitbart is reporting that President Joe Biden says this decision has “awakened” American women. And there’s no doubt that, at least in part, this statement is true. There are likely to be a whole bunch of ticked off progressive women heading to the polls in November to cast ballots for Democrats simply because of this decision. To them this is how they get payback for not having a federal right to murder their children in the womb.

“The president made his statement at the Democratic National Committee summer meeting in Maryland, charging that women are a powerful force Republicans will soon learn of,” the report said.

“Republicans have awakened a powerful force in this country: women,” Biden went on to say. “Here you come.”

Biden then went on to take some of the talking points from his infamous “Dark MAGA” speech from last Thursday, making allegations that Republicans will now target contraception.

“If they had it their way, they’d come after contraception, marriage equality, the whole right to privacy,” the president remarked.

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This is nothing but fear mongering from Biden and the Democratic Party, a strategy designed to rile up women to show up to the polls in droves come November and help them retain power in Congress. Conservatives aren’t after any of those things. Unless it is abortive, you can keep your contraceptives. Where in the world does he get anyone wants to violate privacy? Sounds made up, like most of the things that come out of his mouth.

“The event was to mark 60 days before the mid-term elections when Democrats stand to lose the U.S. House as the president’s approval rating continues to crater. The president also used the moment to plug the Inflation Reduction Act,” Breitbart reported.

“You think they would have cared about inflation, reducing it, they would have voted for the Inflation Reduction Act but every single Republican, House and Senate, every single one, every Republican in the House, every Republican in the Senate, they voted against it,” he went on to say. “Now every single American needs to return the favor and vote them out of office.”

What’s sickening about this speech is how he’s trying to fire up women to rally around the Democratic Party so they can stay in control, continue milking the American people for money, and tank our economy, all in exchange for giving these ladies the “right” to kill their babies. Democrats are wicked.