JUST IN: Democrat Lawmaker In Hot Water Legally After Bizarre Scandal Is Exposed
A married Democratic lawmaker is in hot water with authorities after he was allegedly booted from a strip club over the weekend.
The New York Post reported that State Rep. Daniel Grossberg (D-KY), whose district includes part of urban Louisville, allegedly offered a stripper $5,000 for sex and fondled another after he was rejected. Bouncers later tossed the handsy politician, banning him from the club known as Foxy. Even worse, said the owner, Grossberg was grossing out the girls. “He was calling girls all kinds of names,” club co-owner Milford Renfrow told the Lexington Herald-Leader. “Disrespecting the girls and gabbing them.”
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The 45-year-old married man, who sources say is a regular at the club, is believed to have tried and thrown his weight around while begging the dancers for more than a striptease. “You don’t know who I am,” Grossberg is said to have yelled as he was being pushed or dragged from the venue, saying at one point he “could shut this place down.”
“I don’t care if you’re Donald Trump. I don’t care who you are. You can’t treat girls like this,” Renfrow told the local outlet in response to the lawmaker’s threats. Rep. Grossberg jumped into a defensive crouch within 24 hours, claiming it was “outlandish” that he threatened to shut down the strip club. “The allegations get more outlandish with each story, but they won’t stop me from continuing to work tirelessly to serve my constituents,” Grossberg said in a statement to the Post. ”Like many people my age, I have been to adult clubs, including Foxy’s (sic). I have never solicited prostitution from anyone, nor have I referenced my office to gain advantage.”
Grossberg has been persona non grata among Kentucky’s insular Democratic Party since it was revealed that he was the focus of an investigation into unwanted sexual advances against female members of his staff. The accusations prompted the state’s Democratic delegation to boot the first-termer from the caucus and Democratic Governor Andy Beshear to call for his resignation.
In July, the Herald-Leader reported that the Kentucky Legislative Research Commission had launched a probe into late-night texts received by four women working for Grossberg which they described as “weird” and “creepy.” One month later, the outlet reported on a column Grossberg wrote for the campus newspaper while attending Grinnell College. Titled “Sketchy Dan,” he would respond to incoming letters from other young men on campus who described themselves as loners struggling with approaching women. Anna Whites, Grossberg’s attorney, defended his column, saying he is “neurodivergent” and sits somewhere on the autism spectrum.
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