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JUST IN: New Allegations Against Fani Willis Blow Hole Right Through Her Alibi



New allegations have emerged against Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, suggesting that her previously stated timeline and nature of her relationship with external prosecutor Nathan Wade may not align with the facts.

This comes amidst Willis’s involvement in overseeing the case against former President Donald Trump and his associates, raising questions about the integrity of the proceedings and Willis’s ability to remain impartial.

According to recent reports, witnesses are prepared to testify that Willis and Wade shared a residence, contradicting Willis’s denials of such cohabitation. This is particularly contentious as it suggests the relationship between Willis and Wade began in 2019, three years prior to the timeline they acknowledged, and importantly, before Wade’s 2021 appointment as an external prosecutor in the election interference case.


Adding fuel to the fire, it has been alleged that Willis and Wade cohabitated at an Airbnb, funded by taxpayer money, which was purportedly used as a “safe house” and a romantic getaway. This information casts a shadow over Willis’s previous assertions in court documents, where she admitted to having a personal relationship with Wade but denied any impropriety or impact on the election interference lawsuit.

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“In 2022, District Attorney Willis and I developed a personal relationship in addition to our professional association and friendship,” Wade admitted in the sworn deposition revealed last week.

“In the Spring of 2021, District Attorney Willis asked me and two other attorneys to assist her in looking for a competent, trustworthy attorney to manage and lead the investigation of possible attempts to interfere with the administration of the 2020 election,” Wade continued.

In the recent filing, however, Willis described the allegations as “meritless” and “salacious,” requesting that a judge dismiss the motions seeking her and her office’s removal from the case without a hearing.

The latest allegations could significantly undermine Willis’s credibility and her office’s handling of the case. The personal connection between Willis and Wade, especially if it predates his appointment and was concealed or misrepresented, could constitute a conflict of interest that challenges the fairness of the prosecution in the election interference lawsuit.

If the allegations prove true, they could necessitate a reevaluation of Willis’s role in the case, potentially leading to calls for her recusal or the appointment of an independent prosecutor to ensure the integrity of the legal process.

Court documents submitted last month by Michael Roman, a co-defendant of Trump, contained the allegations against Willis. The documents claimed then that Willis was involved in an “improper” affair with Wade. The documents further allege that Wade, who reportedly lacks experience in RICO and felony prosecutions, has charged taxpayers around $600,000 since January 2022.

According to Roman’s filing, Wade invoiced Fulton County for 24 hours of work on a single day in November 2021, shortly after he was appointed special prosecutor. The filing also suggests that Willis financially benefited from what is described as her lover’s inflated taxpayer-funded salary, allegedly using it to fund lavish vacations together.

“Willis allegedly paid her secret boyfriend a significantly higher hourly rate than another one of her special prosecutors who actually has significant experience,” Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene wrote (R-GA) in a complaint filed last week. “And with the nearly $700,000 Wade has collected in government funds as one of Willis’ special prosecutors, he has allegedly taken her on a luxury Caribbean cruise, a trip to Napa, and other lavish trips.”