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JUST IN: Tucker’s New Venture Strikes Advertising Deal With Major Conservative Group



Tucker Carlson just landed a seven-figure advertising deal with a major conservative company, Public Square (PublicSq.), that stands against the ESG [Environmental, Social and Governance responsibility] agenda according to CNBC. Public Square is a shopping app.  The CEO of the app, Michael Seifert, is on record for his comments against the ESG and the rise of the parallel economy to deal with this threat of de-platforming for political views.

The Heritage Foundation observed the ESG phenomena as “[their] advocates forc[ing] companies to take positions in the political arena on issues that may have nothing to do with the company’s actual business activities.”  Targets of this movement include actions against the Second Amendment (gun rights), fossil fuels, and the like. ESG’s “advocates have no qualms about the use of shareholders’ assets—other people’s money—to promote their various political causes” reported the conservative think tank.

A Heritage scholar called a lot of the ESG movement “virtue signaling done to elevate the reputations of senior executives. In reality, what they [its advocates] are signaling is their dereliction of their fiduciary duty to those who have invested in their companies.” The scholar raises the point that this risks weaponizing and politicizing the private sector against enemies or causes that the Left does not like.

Another Heritage Institution scholar described the risks in this way, “It’s a classification system that companies, maybe even your place of employment, are using to push the left’s agenda. Think of it like a credit score. If you don’t score high enough on their woke meter, you could be canceled.”

Not all individuals within the business world have been ensnared by this movement. “So there’s really this cool parallel economy ecosystem that’s been created. And it all starts with consumer spending. We hate ESG, we hate DEI [Diversity Equity and Inclusion], we talk about these policies all the time in the news…But the only way that we are going to topple those corrupt philosophies that are destroying our economy is by shifting consumer spending. And so we’re offering the easiest directory out there to go and do that as your starting point” said Mr. Seifert of the Public Square company in an interview with Breitbart News about his company’s philosophy.

Fox News, an outlet that has taken a beating in public ratings since Carlson’s departure from them, sent their former news show host a cease and desist letter since he began to ramp up his presence on Twitter by posting videos of him reacting to the news of the day and providing commentary over it. Fox News maintains Mr. Carlson cannot contractually provide content to entities other than them until December 31, 2024. Carlson’s lawyers simply responded that their client “will not be silenced by anyone.”