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Karma Comes For This Democrat After Making Fun of Texas



Karma just served democrat representative Eric Swalwell a dose of his own medicine as he is urging residents of California to reduce energy usage on Tuesday to prevent blackouts. Perhaps the representative never considered that the same fate would meet his golden state when he was mocking Texas for facing similar disturbances just two months ago.

The Electricity Reliability Council of Texas informed residents of the state about cutting power consumption to avoid blackouts. It was eventually not implemented as the law-abiding and diligent residents voluntarily reduced their power consumption across the state. 

In reaction to this, Swalwell took to Twitter to mock the state for its abortion regulations.

He wrote, “Texas. Where Republicans provide plenty of energy to control your body, but no energy to control your thermostat.”

At least Texas could get a hold of the situation before it affected any residents. The California Independent System Operator did not have the same luck. Thousands of residents in the Golden State reportedly experienced disruptions to their power supply before CISO could narrowly prevent rolling blackouts.

The representative also amplified the call as he tweeted, “We all need to do our part to help avoid power outages this week. Before 4 pm, pre-cool your home, After 4pm, avoid use of major appliances and turn your thermostat to 78 or higher. Let’s keep the lights on, California.”

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The democrat governor, Gavin Newson, also added in a video statement, “You’ve stepped up to help in a big way to keep the lights on so far. But we’re heading into the worst part of this heat wave. And the risk for outages is real, and it’s immediate.”

The National Weather Service also amplified Newsom’s claim as a new report showed that the western United States was truly facing a dangerous heat wave and an added risk of fires. In addition to the safety measures by the States, Citizens who were told that the sale of gas-powered vehicles would be banned in 2035 were urged to avoid charging their electric vehicles by all means. A very amusing request.

Several states, including Massachusetts, Virginia, and Washington, have previously passed legislatures conforming their states to this ridiculous standard. However, the republican lawmakers in Virginia are doing all it takes to repeal these laws and avoid becoming California which imposes laws they cannot sustain.

Governor Glenn Youngkin (R-VA) wrote, “In an effort to turn Virginia into California, liberal politicians who previously ran our government sold Virginia out by subjecting Virginia drivers to California vehicle laws. Now, under that pact, Virginians will be forced to adopt the California law that prohibits the sale of gas and diesel-fueled vehicles. I am already at work to prevent this ridiculous edict from being forced on Virginians. California’s out of touch laws have no place in our Commonwealth.”

These words are from a governor who has the state’s best interests at heart.